变革管理是最需要智慧和方法的管理,涉及到太多的方面,对于领导者来说需要非常综合的素质。 John Kotter是大师级的人物,有幸拜读过他的一些文章,楼主的推荐值得一读。 我比较喜欢的一个模型是我的老师一个Framework。 Organizational change is a complex process. Managing such complex processes is difficult because of three reasons: (a) the processes that one tries to manage are dynamic, i.e. they are changing; (b) in such dynamic situations, it is difficult to predict the consequences of ones’ actions; (c) managing the complex of process of change involves managing a set of complex activities, each of which is crucial for the overall success of change. In particular, we contend that managing change involves managing four complex tasks. Each of these complex tasks needs to be completed effectively in order to achieve a successful outcome. Failure in any one of these four tasks will lead to a failure in the overall change. These four tasks are: (a) appreciating change, (b) mobilising support, (c) executing change, and (d) building change capability. |