发表于 2003-12-31 09:44:00
以下是引用寡无欲在2003-12-31 1:15:00的发言:
If you tell us her email address, I believe there are more people who could give you their hands.
First thank you very much .However ,to some extent, I have regretted to show her letter in public although I have hidden some informations, so I dare not to publish her email address and am not willing to.As you know,it may bring her a few troubles or a few curious happiness.I mean,there still great possibilities of troubles.All the same,I thank you again.
发表于 2003-12-31 11:25:00
Sure, I can understand you very well. Actually, you know, the girl should be moved by your sincere behaviours. I just hope all of us might have opportunites to tell her something about your stories from different angles, which might be efficient.
Anyway, to keep on doing.As the old saying goes, sacrificing everything for your love is the best harvest for your whole life. However, please be sure it is real love in advance.
发表于 2003-12-31 12:06:00
以下是引用寡无欲在2003-12-31 11:25:00的发言:
Sure, I can understand you very well. Actually, you know, the girl should be moved by your sincere behaviours. I just hope all of us might have opportunites to tell her something about your stories from different angles, which might be efficient.
Anyway, to keep on doing.As the old saying goes, sacrificing everything for your love is the best harvest for your whole life. However, please be sure it is real love in advance.
Sure,you're good at writing in English.I'd like to reply your advicesthis way in whichI can practice my English writing at the same time.
In fact,I met the girl just in an English night school.I can do many things well except English.Now I have realized the great importance for me to grasp English well .I hope not only read materials in English well ,but also speak frequently to foreigners and write perfectly in English .
So I spent most of time in studying in that schools and failed to notice the other good views,especially to the girl.I can perceive the good feelings from the girl.It is the last lesson when I realize that I really like the girl.The only thing I have done is to ask her Chinese name in English.Since then,I havn't seen her.What a big pity it is.
Now ,she has a boyfriend always going around her.
Haha,I find that I seem to lack adequate words to express in English ,on the contrary,I have many here.
Sorry ,I have to go for lunch.I will go back to continuemy present puzzlement
A good way for me to take part in English test
发表于 2003-12-31 13:42:00
My present puzzlement lies in two sides.
That is the true reasons of her refuing to contact with me.
If the girl goes with her boyfriend not for a passion but a sort of habit,I will persist.
If the girl do really dislike me to some extent,I will persist.
As to my perservence,I have great confidence.
Many friends who had the same ambitions as mine(??me is better??) at the same time when we went into the societyhave already give up the bitter process of pursuing dream.On the contrary,I still persist and keep on making necessary preparation.Of course,I also make many friends the same as me duing to my perservence and passion.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-31 14:16:43编辑过]
发表于 2003-12-31 13:48:00
to 寡无欲,
Do you think it's a better way to invite the girl to visit the site.
Maybe she will laugh at me.
But if it is my true thought,I can endure every's blame.
If it's my disguise I wii be defeated by myself first.
发表于 2004-1-1 04:44:00
发表于 2004-1-1 13:49:00
以下是引用studywu在2003-12-31 13:42:00的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-31 14:16:43编辑过]
发表于 2004-1-1 21:13:00
以下是引用威尼斯の淚在2004-1-1 4:44:00的发言:
这点痛算什么 永不回头 因为无从妥协
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-1 21:35:56编辑过]
发表于 2004-1-2 10:50:00
发表于 2004-1-2 12:41:00
做为一个女生, 我来说几句:
首先我们谈谈她对你的好感, 我想好感和爱情是完全不一样的! 你长得顺眼一点, 办事细心一点...女孩子看在眼里都会觉得这个人还可以, 但是不会产生感情! 而且一个有教养的女生都不会无缘无故对你态度比较差吧? 差不多大家都一样了, 点头微笑, 问候, 这些都是很正常的, 但是如果你自己心中比较中意, 这些举动可能就意义非常了. 可能泼冷水了, 我先只是说一些事实. 你跟她联系, 做为礼貌, 我想不出来有什么理由不给你回信, 也把自己的观点说清楚. 其实这个女生第一封信已经说得很明白了, 没有一点暧昧的意思在里面, 也就是没有给你一点机会了. 后来她甚至让男朋友接电话, 我觉得不是你们男生所谓的表清白, 说得难听一点, 我觉得这个女生很有可能在心里都想了: 都说的那么明白, 这个人怎么这么不知趣! 其实一个女生这么做我觉得已经是有些反感了. 很有可能你以后给她写邮件, 她就不再回复, 玩消失了. 我喜欢这样做,^_^.
你的一不该: 不该知道她有男朋友还要追到手. 可能是你在这儿说, 大家就都帮你出主意, 但是有谁为她的男朋友想过? 那个男生难道就该失去现在爱着的女友了? 从你前面说的, 你对她的好感就是好感, 甚至没有深入得接触, 谁也不能保证你们在一起会幸福快乐,对吗? 说不定你们会发现不合适, 对吗? 但是别人再怎么说都是有3,4个月基础, 而且互相了解, 你凭什么就在这儿说别人会分开, 别人不相爱? 事实是这样子得嘛? 你不了解, 只是在这儿凭自己的主观臆断. 而且就算你能追到手, 你能安心? 说不定哪天又会有其他人从你的手中夺走, ^_^, 事情发展往往总是这样子的.
你的二不该: 不该一开始就那么主动. 从你的信还有你自己在论坛上说得一些事情可以看出, 你就是自己过于主动, 甚至忽略她的反应. 也许你不是不会追女孩子, 只是现在热情比较高吧! 我想这应该是一个互动的过程才是有戏的. 但是你根本就是忽略她的反应, 自己做心里想做的事. 她不接电话, 你会再打, 男朋友接了电话, 你还会再打, 我觉得这样子实在惹人讨厌哦, 于以后的发展一点益处都没有. 其实一开始你是不应该那么主动表白的, 表白是要看时机和对方反应的, 过早只会让别人提高心里戒备和逃避.
当然这些只是我自己心里的想法, 不一定这个女生就是这样子, 但是我想楼主现在需要理智和冷静一下. 我的建议是: 如果实在不想放弃, 那么就做平平淡淡的朋友吧! 像大哥哥一样, 慢慢得走近她, 深入了解她, 也许你会发现原来你想要找的人不是她, 也许你会发现她真得就是你的Miss.Right, 那么等待机会, 也许她跟男友真得会走到感情尽头, 也许不会, 所以楼主真得需要有心理准备, 值与不值, 旁人都无法说清, 唯有楼主自己扪心自问了, 其实做什么都是有风险的哦, ^_^. 无论怎么样, 你应该尊重她, 也尊重她和她男友之间的感情, 一段感情不容易, 从以前的帖子也可以看出来, 楼主也是走过了感情的千山万水的人, 那么也尊重别人的感情吧! 楼主需要冷静加思考, 像你现在这样子可不行.