143 According to the Pareto Principle, 80% of your results will come from 20% of your activities. Want to be more efficient? Figure out the 20% that are your most important activities and spend your time mastering those activities. 根据泊拉图原则,你80%的成就来自于你20%的活动。希望变得更有效率吗?找出你20%最重要的活动然后花时间去精通这些活动。 144 Use your energy according to your personal peak times. Take on the creative projects when you are the sharpest and do the mundane stuff when you’re least creative. Not everybody is a morning person! 根据你自己的个人的精力的衰退来支配自己的时间。在你最兴奋的时候参加需要创新性的活动,在精力衰退的时候完成常务的事务。不是每个人都是早晨精力最好的。 145 Check yourself and discover how you are spending your time. Do you spend time doing the right things or the wrong things? Well, how well are you doing them? You may be doing the right things wrong or the wrong things right. Focus your energy on doing the right things right! 检查和探究你的时间是如何被花费的。你是花时间来完成正确的事情还是没用的事情?好,你完成的怎么样?你是把应该完成的事情做错了呢,还是把没用的事情完成的很好。关注你的精力在做对正确的事情。 146 Create a short-task list
— things that could be done in five minutes or less. Hint! Sometimes you can complete the entire list while you are waiting on hold. 创建一个简短的任务清单-可以在5分钟或者更短时间内完成的事情。提示:有时你可以在等待的时候完成所有的清单。 147 Create a 10-20 minute file. Most people have at least twice a day when an unexpected 20-minute gap comes up. When those gaps happen, knock out some of your to-do list. 准备一个10-20分钟的清单。很多人都会在一天中至少碰到两次没有料到的20分钟左右的空隙。当这些空隙来临的时候,完成这些需要完成的事情。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-27 12:26:45编辑过] |