
[推荐]Famous Consulting Firm - Senior Consultant

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发表于 2006-7-28 23:49:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Interested candidates please send your CV to jzhang@l-m-consulting.com

A Fully Professional Level Consultant

Job Summary:

Play as practice authority to provide guidance and support on professional delivery, client relationship management, project management in wide areas of organizing, developing and motivating people. Independently develop business in above areas.


1. Clearly confirmed view that the individual will pursue professional consulting as a career.
2. Demonstrates commercial and business mindedness, and can articulate personal "value added" to Hay and clients.
3. Recognized authority in certain areas or seasoned knowledge and experience (or accredited) in wide range areas of organizing people, developing people and motivating people
4. roven experience of managing large size projects
5. roven reference of high level of client satisfactory in services
6. roven experience in business development
7. Be able to work under pressure, creative, efficient, team leadership
8. Be able to work effectively with diversified environment and people
9. Minimum 6  years work experience (at least two-year experience in large project management)

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