Mind Map Examples 转自:http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk We have included here examples of Mind Maps that have been drawn for a variety of different purposes. Some are hand drawn and some have been produced on the Mind Mapping software, MindManager. We will be adding Mind Maps to the ones shown here, so if you have any that you would be happy for us to include, please email them to us with a brief description of the purpose of the Mind Map. Click on the image of your choice below to view a larger version
Mind Mapping for Business
Overview of the one day Mind Mapping for Business workshop run by Buzan licensed instructors ![](http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/assets/examples/MM---MMFB.gif)
Accelerated Learning
Overview of two day workshop, Accelerated Learning for Trainers. Accelerated Learning
Overview of two day workshop, Accelerated Learning for Trainers. ![](http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/assets/examples/MM---Accel-Lrng.gif) New Ways of Thinking - Short Presentation
Short presentation introducing the brain, memory and Mind Mapping ![](http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/assets/examples/MM---New-ways.gif)
Six Thinking Hats
An overview of the popular approach from Edward de Bono ![](http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/assets/examples/MM---Six-Hats.gif)
Exploring/Attacking Problems - things you may want to include
Some ideas for getting started when using Mind Maps to aid problem solving ![](http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/assets/examples/attacking_problems-large.gif)
This is a way of challenging, in a structured way, all aspects of a product, service, process or situation. ![](http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/assets/examples/MM---Scamper.gif) Presentation on Elements of Creativity
We use this on several of our courses. The tutor does a short verbal presentation which the delegates Mind Map. ![](http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/assets/examples/MM---Creativity.gif)
Effective Innovation - John Adair
An overview of the key points and learning from the book. ![](http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/assets/examples/MM---Eff-Innovation.gif)
Orbiting the Giant Hairball - Gordon MacKenzie
An overview of the key points and learning form the book. ![](http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/assets/examples/MM---Giant-Hairball.gif) What is Happiness? A personal exploration of the subject by Paul Foreman who sent us this fantastic Mind Map. Paul is an illustrator and his website is http://www.illustration.moonfruit.com
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