
[读书评论] 100部最值得看的电影

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发表于 2006-2-6 18:43:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

对比国外channel 4.com及www.imdb.com 等多个电影论坛 偶只能翻译其中一部分,请家人的强人翻译其中的电影名 谢谢哦~~ [其中翻译成中文的是偶看过的...]

Top 100 favourite films lists cause a lot of debate, but when Channel 4 launched their "greatest films" vote, the debate started when they set out their list of 100 films for the public to put in order. What? Yes, their "experts" chose 100 films to start with. A hugely biased list (amazing the number of those films Channel 4 and Film 4 have the rights to show). In response to this, an old film site, Sisqua.com, was resurrected for the specific purpose of producing an alternative Top 100 list. Visitors could vote for five films - any choices!

The Sisqua folks were not expecting a large response, but through simple word of mouth, huge numbers of people visited the site and they were somewhat taken aback when they got 5,000 votes in the first 4 days! Eight weeks later and 24,129 people cast a total of 120,512 (validated) votes. As these were free format, the team had a huge task to count them all up, but after a sterling effort, the results were released on 27th January 2002.

A free public vote for favourite films of all time and the results make fascinating reading. Blade Runner this time in 11th place. (With Star Wars and Godfather films split up, they take up extra slots!) But this reporter is pleased that Star Wars isn't top anyway. LotR:FotR was released part way through the voting process and so on the one hand missed the initial voters' lists, but on the other hand was fresh in the minds of those voting later. We'll see how it does in ten years time. Good to see lesser known masterpieces like Leon now have a strong fanbase! But enough of my rambling - here is the list, (replicated completely from the Sisqua site with their kind permission).

The Sisqua.com 100 Greatest Movies of All Time 1. The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎 2. The Godfather 教父1 3. The Empire Strikes Back 4. Star Wars 星球大战 5. Pulp Fiction 6. Gladiator 角头士 7. The Godfather Part 2 教父2 8. The Usual Suspects 9. Leon 这个杀手不太冷 10. Goodfellas

11. Blade Runner 12. The Matrix 13. LotR: The Fellowship of the Ring* 指环三部曲 14. Aliens 异形系列 15. It's A Wonderful Life 16. Fight Club 17. Apocalypse Now 18. Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡 19. Raiders Of The Lost Ark 20. Fargo 21. Alien 22. Taxi Driver 23. Schindler's List 辛得勒的名单 24. 2001: A Space Odyssey 25. American Beauty 美国丽人 26. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 卧虎z龙 27. Reservoir Dogs 28. The Terminator 终结者

29. Raging Bull 30. Citizen Kane 31. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 32. Jaws 33. The Third Man 34. Terminator 2 终结者2 35. Magnolia 36. The Deer Hunter 37. Seven 38. Some Like It Hot 39. The Big Lebowski 40. Silence of the Lambs 42. L.A. Confidential 43. Saving Private Ryan 44. Titanic 泰坦尼客 45. The Wicker Man 46. Withnail And I 47. Return of the Jedi 48. The Sting 49. Breakfast at Tiffany's 50. True Romance 51. The Shining 52. The Sixth Sense 第六感 53. Three Colours Red, White, Blue** 54. Groundhog Day 55. Lawrence of Arabia 56. The Italian Job 57. Die Hard 58. Braveheart 勇敢的心 59. Life of Brian 60. The Green Mile 61. Close Encounters of the Third Kind 62. Cinema Paradiso 63. Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid 64. E.T. The Extra Terrestrial ET外星人 65. Rocky 66. The Great Escape 67. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 68. The Lost Boys 69. Brazil 70. Psycho 71. Toy Story 72. Carlito's Way 73. Unforgiven 74. Amelie 75. The French Connection 76. Heat 77. Shine 78. Shrek 79. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 80. Vertigo 81. Jurassic Park 诛罗纪公园 82. This is Spinal Tap 83. The Omen 84. Dr. Strangelove 85. Run Lola Run 86. Jerry McGuire 87. The Breakfast Club 88. American Pie 美国派 89. My Fair Lady 90. North by North West 91. Papillon 92. Memento 93. Roman Holiday 罗马假日 94. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 95. Pretty Woman 96. Ghandi 97. Zulu 98. Hannibal 99. Forrest Gump 阿甘正传 100. The Fifth Element 第五元素


美丽人生 美女和野兽 lost in translation ,马达加斯加,阿郎的故事,英雄本色, 黄飞鸿系列,碟血双雄,大话西游,唐伯虎点秋香...

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-8 0:33:18编辑过]
发表于 2010-4-22 17:04:42 | 只看该作者

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