(Resource : Forbes)
书 名 Original name 年份 类别
追求卓越 In search of excenllence essons from America's Best-Run Companies 1982 管理类
基业长青 Built to Last:Successful Habits of Visionary Companies 1994 管理类
公司再造 Reengineering the Corporation:A Manifesto for Business Revolution 1993 管理类
门口的野蛮人 Barbarians at the Gate:The Fall of RJR Nabisco 1990 叙事类
引爆流行 The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference 2000 叙事类
跨越中断区 Crossing the Chasm:Marketing and Delling Technology Products to Mainstream Customers 1999 管理类
摩根财团 The House of Morgan 1990 传记类
6 sigma 之路 The six sigma way 2000 管理类
高效人群的七种习惯 Seven habits of highly effective people owerful lessons in personal change 1990 管理类
骗子的牌术 Liar's Poker 1989 叙事类
创新者的窘境 The innovator's dilemma:Whennew technologiescause great firms to fail 1997 管理类
日本公司 Japen Inc. 1988 管理类
盗贼巢穴 Den of Thieves 1991 叙事类
德鲁克德核心思想 The Essential Drucker 2001 管理类
巴菲特之路 The Buffett Way:Investment strategies of the world's greatest investor 1991 投资类
从优秀到卓越 Good to Great:Why some companies make the leap...and others Don't 2001 管理类
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