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发表于 2012-3-13 07:54:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Rebecca Fanning, Rebecca Fannin news March 13, founder of Silicon Asia, published an article in "Forbes" magazine website, review the situation himself and co-founder of Tudou, Wang Wei, the two meet. He pointed out that China's Internet market has been gradually mature, Youku acquisitions Tudou transactions, only the beginning of this market mergers and acquisitions in the article.
The following article details:
2006, with the co-founder of Tudou (Nasdaq: TUDO), Wang Wei, the first time meet in Shanghai, when he had just founded the company to find the first venture capital. Looking back, it is like a very distant thing. Internet market in China in recent years developed very rapidly, and gradually matured, and now in this industry M & A transactions is inevitable.
Youku (NYSE: YOKU) transactions, mergers and acquisitions Tudou is just the beginning of the Chinese Internet market mergers and acquisitions. In order to become the leader of the Chinese Internet market, many large companies have to merge with other enterprises, which will allow entrepreneurial companies face greater challenges. M & A trend has occurred in Silicon Valley, the Chinese market is also undergoing this process.
I first met Wang Wei's first new element in Shanghai (Fresh Element) cafe. Then Tudou investors, venture capitalists, GGV Capital (of GGV Capital) Huang Peihua with me looked at the display of Wang Wei. Wang Wei told us about Tudou this new Chinese video sharing site mode of operation. Interestingly, Tudou was born the same year, another video site YouTube also formally launched. But this does not surprise, because several other similar site is also the same year, on-line operations.
Since then, I have been very concerned about the performance of Tudou. And Youku, Tudou early has a leading position, but with all the online video site, the site also facing the supervision of the Chinese authorities, and later its market leadership position Youku beyond. I have observed, very appropriate timing of the Youku selection listed in the U.S. initial public prospectus (IPO) of the performance is better than potatoes.
Youku and Tudou, the merger is good news for venture capitalists. However, Wang Wei, the deal a little bitter, because of his previous opponents ancient Yongqiang in this competition had the last laugh.
Now go back and look at 2008 in Beijing, Wang Wei video interview. We meet in a shopping center cafe, Wang Wei was facing "Growing Pains" troubled. At that time, who can predict the outcome will be?
From the present situation, we need to focus on a problem, and a habit of entrepreneurs to operate their own company, how he can be with the newly merged company's corporate culture to adapt to it? In most cases, many of the company founder will choose to leave and re-creation of another company. This is why many people will "rise of China's continuous entrepreneurs, known as one of the reasons of another new chapter in the history of China's rapidly evolving Internet.
发表于 2012-3-13 09:47:12 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-3-14 17:18:21 | 只看该作者
Good information

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