
[原创]Fishing Contest

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发表于 2010-5-12 13:53:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Fishing Contest

Description: The mountain Dwarves' homes would be an ideal way to get across White Wolf mountain safely. However, the Dwarves aren't too fond of strangers. They will let you through if you can bring them a trophy. The trophy is the prize for the annual Hemenster fishing competition.

Difficulty: Novice

Length: Short

Quest Requirements:

Skill/Other Requirements:
10 Fishing.

Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest:
Between a Rock...
Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf
Recipe for Disaster
Land of the Goblins

Items Needed to Complete Quest: 5-10 runescape gold, Garlic, a Fishing rod, and a Spade.

Items Acquired During Quest: a Fishing pass, Red vine worm, a Raw giant carp, a Giant carp, and a Fishing trophy.

Quest Points: 1

Reward: 2437-3225 Fishing XP (varies depending on your runescape power leveling current XP), access to the underground tunnel of the Mountain Dwarves. Ability to use the 'Scale Catherby Cliff' shortcut if you have level 35 Ranged, 32 Agility, 35 Strength, and items.

Start Point: West of White Wolf Mountain or east of White Wolf Mountain.

To Start: Talk to Austri or Vestri east or west of White Wolf Mountain.

1.Talk to the Dwarf Austri or Vestri. Tell him you want to use the secret way to cross the White Wolf Mountain and that you want to become his friend. He will ask you to win a trophy at the Hemenster Fishing Competition and give you a Competition Pass.

2.Before going to Hemenster, take your spade and go to north of Hemenster to McGrubor's woods (beware the lvl 44 Guard dogs guarding McGrubber's woods) Go to north side of the woods and you will find a Loose Railing. Squeeze through and then once inside, go to the west side. Find a red vine and use the "Check Vine" option. You should get a red worm. Get 2-3 worms and then get out of there.

3.Go to Hemenster and try to enter the fishing area. Morris will say that you will need the Competition Pass, show him your pass and he will let you in.

4.Talk to Sinister Stranger, he will say that he doesn't like sun. Tell him that he is a vampire, he will say something nonsense that he is not a vampire, but trust me, he really is.

5.Talk to Bonzo and tell him you want to start the competition, pay 5 runescape gold and he will tell you that your fishing spot is beside the willow tree.

6.Place a garlic in the pipes and the vampire will say that there is a bad smell. Bonzo will say that your fishing spot is beside the pipes. Fish there and you should get a carp. Talk to Bonzo and you will win the competition.

7.Return to the dwarf and he will reward you runescape accounts with the help. Quest complete.

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