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发表于 2010-3-15 10:24:25 | 只看该作者
以下是引用smallsnail在2010-3-14 21:36:25的发言:



 歌曲表达的并不是男人和女人之间的爱情,而是一种爱情之外的爱。詹姆斯·布朗特在地铁上偶遇了一个漂亮的纯美的小女孩儿甚至是个几个月大的婴儿,小女孩儿在她父亲的怀里玩耍,而詹姆斯·布朗特却被这个有着天使般脸庞和笑容的小女孩儿深深吸引着。詹姆斯·布朗特用歌曲记录着这个纯美的过程并且很享受这次偶遇,没有无奈更没有狰狞和痛苦,有的只是那“ And I don't think that I'll see her again but we shared a moment that will last till the end”
  James Blunt 的歌声就跟他的钢琴指法一样沉重,感慨的纪录着以往历史的伤痛,虽然,Blunt的歌不全然都这样的严肃,但却都是相当扣人心弦的,像是纪录着难以忘情、怦然心动的情感如同“You're Beautiful”辞藻虽不华丽,但字里行间都是暖呼呼的真挚,佐以高明的写歌技巧,以及自然的嗓音,敲着跟他有着相近频率的心。 James Blunt 不想花太多时间解释歌中的故事,只希望听者能从他的歌曲中找到人生旅程中的某些段落所会拥有的感觉,一份感同身受的奇妙感觉。
  ~“You're Beautiful”属于多听几遍才会让你产生感觉的歌曲.歌者倾诉,听者思考.在循序渐进中,慢慢体会歌曲所表达的意思.你是美丽的,你是坚强的,还有什么你需要的?
  ~清柔中蕴藏着坚韧,顶而赏之。非常喜欢他纤细而高亢的嗓音,独特,令人回味,在《You're Beautiful》里你可以细细体会,淡淡的吉他伴奏,苍白的声音演绎,让你的心灵为那份极度珍惜却无法得到的感情而揪动,他的音乐里,没有嘈杂,只有让你感动的音符和内涵。

  在沉沦的时刻听“You're Beautiful”足以挽救你,像他歌里的天使,在地铁站凝望你,保护你的心。
  同样地~James Blunt 他的歌声,同他传奇般的人生经历一样,能引起我们思考,勾起我们淡淡的感伤 !
  “My life is brilliant”.我的人生缤纷灿烂
  “My love is pure”.我的爱如此纯真,
  听到这就可以让很多人痛哭流涕了吧!也许是缤纷灿烂的人生,纯真的爱,这些看似简单的话语所表达的理想,在今天的生活里很难有人同时拥有吧。第一次听到他的歌 You're beautiful,出现了一种莫名的感伤,从他的声音,从他的旋律,从他表达的方式,就是这么简单。


发表于 2010-3-15 10:46:49 | 只看该作者

再给大家推荐一首由性感的乡村女歌手Shania Twain 演唱的

You are still the one     你仍是我的唯一


When I first saw you, I saw love.
And the first time you touched me, I felt love.
And after all this time, you're still the one I love






他们都说" 担保他们做不到"
我们依然相守, 依然执着, 依然坚强



发表于 2010-3-16 14:15:05 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-3-16 17:17:04 | 只看该作者


Down by the Salley Gardens
Down by the Salley Gardens
My love and I did meet
She passed the Salley Gardens
With little snow-white feet
She did me take love easy
As the leaves grow on the trees
But I being young and foolish
With her whould not agree
In a field by the river
My love and I did stand
And on my lealing shoulder
She laid little white hand
She did me take life easy
As the grass grows on the weirs
But I was young and foolish
And now I'm full of tears

发表于 2010-3-16 20:55:09 | 只看该作者

一定要听的Enigma 英格玛


国内听众甚至媒体将Enigma称之为“谜乐团”或者“英格玛乐团”。其实这个称谓并不确切,Enigma只是一个project studio(策划工作室),而非由若干固定演唱成员组成的乐团。但是这个project studio却有一个唯一的灵魂人物——Michael Cretu,Enigma系列的幕后制作人。他们喜欢用现代电子乐来表现神秘主义的主题,是一种天生的美国式的圣歌,一种通过西方流行音乐节奏表现出来的遥远的非洲部落或严肃的宗教的回声。
英格玛(Enigma),以其神秘主义风格吸引了无数乐迷。神秘主义的主题用现代电子乐来表现,使人产生一种时空交错的奇妙感觉。在不少作品中动用了两种非常奇特而且不为世人熟知的声音——秘鲁风格的排萧和由修道士演唱的类似格里高里圣歌风格的旋律,编曲上再衬以洒脱、懒散的Disco节奏,由此构成了Enigma极富个性的基本框架。因此在Michael Cretu所营造的独特音乐世界中,我们即可以隐约感受到古典严肃音乐的影子,又可以直接感受到通俗流行的电子配器;能听到最悠远的少数民族部落自由而悠长的吟唱,又能够欣赏到教堂唱诗班庄严而宏大的和声。


The Same Parents

We all had the same parents
Many million years ago
Why can't we live in freedom
Without hunger, with no war?
At the beginning,
We all had one mother and one father
That's where we're descending from (attention)
I don't, I don't understand why so much hate (attention)
Between races, and religions
It's mad, insane
I don't understand (amazing)
Why it hurts, people died (incredible experience)



[此贴子已经被作者于2010-3-16 20:57:03编辑过]
发表于 2010-3-17 13:01:40 | 只看该作者

                  西班牙情歌王子 - 安立奎·伊格莱希亚斯~~ 到1999年年初为止,一般美国流行歌迷对Enrique.Iglesias (安立奎·伊格拉西亚斯)这个名字的熟悉度,仍远远落在他那拉丁天王父亲Julio.Iglesias (胡立欧·伊格拉西亚斯)之后许多;一直到《Bailamos》的走红(电影《飙风战警》的插曲),这位在甫出道时收到一大堆唱片公司“敬谢不敏”回音的歌手,顿时成了众人争相邀约合作的对象,其中也包括天后惠特妮·休斯顿。
    如今,1600万张唱片销量,一座葛莱美奖,12首冠军歌曲,Enrique Iglesias已成为10年来拉丁音乐领域最炙手可热的人物。这首《hero》出自专辑《escape》,这本是首情歌,但 mtv却让观众十分自然地把歌曲与“9.11”的纽约救人英雄联系起来了,并且在悼念恐怖分子劫机事件的伤亡纪念演唱会上enrique.iglesias也唱了这首歌,许多人对这首歌的印象都改观了。    
    拉丁巨星Enrique Iglesias(安立奎)以他与生俱来的优异唱功精准驾驭抒情与动感的流行旋律,在全球缔造超过2300万张的专辑销售量。 无论是在美国或欧洲,“Hero”都是目前电台热播的歌曲,当然,它的成功多少是因为“一不小心”这首歌成了美国人抚慰911伤口的良药,同时也成了美国人民对英雄主义的浪漫呼唤!
    其实,“Hero”是在911之前发行的,不是特为美国人民抚伤和歌颂英雄主义的的“应景”歌曲。 这首歌是一首情歌,无论歌曲的旋律还是Enrique的磁性唱腔,迷人委婉,如泣如诉,美丽至极。但在美国全国伤心悲痛的时候,歌迷们用这首歌抚慰心中的伤痛并高呼:“我会是你的英雄,宝贝。我将吻去你的痛苦,我会永远和你站在一起,我把心交给你!”



Would you dance 愿意与我共舞吗?
if I asked you to dance? 真心相邀
Would you run, 愿意一起去逃亡吗?
and never look back? 永不回头
Would you cry, 你会落泪吗?
if you saw me crying? 如果看到我在流泪
And would you save my soul, tonight? 今夜,可否拯救我的灵魂?
Would you tremble, 会胆怯吗
if I touched your lips? 当我轻拂你的唇
Would you laugh? 会为我一展笑容吗?
Oh please tell me this. Oh,请告诉我你会
Now would you die, 会不惜生命吗
for the one you love? 为所爱之人
Hold me in your arms, tonight. 今夜,请拥我入怀!
I can be your hero, baby. 我要成为你的英雄, 宝贝
I can kiss away the pain. 我要吻去你所有的伤痛
I will stand by you forever. 永远伴你身旁
You can take my breath away. 直至生命终结!
Would you swear, 愿发誓
that you’ll always be mine? 永远属于我吗
Or would you lie? 还是,要撒谎?
would you run and hide? 会躲开我吗?
Am I in too deep? 我是不是已深陷其中?
Have I lost my mind? 是不是已失去了理智?
I don’t care. You’re here, tonight. 这些都不在乎了,今夜,只要你在身边
I can be your hero, baby. 我要成为你的英雄, 宝贝
I can kiss away the pain. 我要吻去你所有的伤痛
I will stand by you forever. 我会陪伴你身旁,到永远!
You can take my breath away. 我的生命属于你!
Oh, I just wanna to hold you. Oh 只想轻轻的拥着你
I just wanna to hold you. 只想这样拥着你
Oh yeah. Oh 我之所愿
Am I in too deep? 是不是已深陷其中?
Have I lost my mind? 是不是已失去了理智?
Well I don’t care… 这些都不重要了,
You’re here, tonight. 今夜,只要你在身边
I can be your hero, baby. 我要成为你的英雄, 宝贝
I can kiss away the pain. 我要吻去你所有的伤痛
I will stand by you forever. 我会陪伴你身旁,永远!
You can take my breath away. 我的生命属于你!
I can be your hero. 我要成为你的英雄
I can kiss away the pain. 我要吻去你所有的伤痛
I will stand by you forever. 我会陪伴你身旁,永远!
You can take my breath away. 我的生命属于你!
You can take my breath away. 我的生命属于你!
I can be your hero. 我要成为你的英雄!

[此贴子已经被作者于2010-3-17 13:03:22编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-20 12:09:14 | 只看该作者








发表于 2010-3-24 13:21:21 | 只看该作者
may it be

在2000年11月1日,恩雅推出了新专辑《A Day Without Rain(雨过天晴)》并高踞BillBoard五甲位置数月之久,在全美国的销量已经达到680万张。在2002年的第44届格莱美奖评选中,《A Day Without Rain》再次荣获最佳新世纪音乐专辑大奖,足见广大听众对其喜爱程度。此曲未被收录在专辑中,但曾收录在only time the collection和may it be单曲中,并将被收录在enya精选集the best of enya中。
      May it be an evening star
  Shines down upon you
  May it be when darkness falls
  Your heart will be true
  You walk a lonely road
  Oh! How far you are from home
  Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
  Believe and you will find your way
  Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
  A promise lives within you now
  May it be the shadows call
  Will fly away
  May it be you journey on
  To light the day
  When the night is overcome
  You may rise to find the sun
  Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
  Believe and you will find your way
  Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)
  A promise lives within you now
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-3-24 13:22:16编辑过]
发表于 2010-3-29 11:59:26 | 只看该作者

今天推荐一首很好听的女生的R&B 风格的歌, Ina 英国伦敦人,她很低调,这首歌是她自创歌曲,声音独特,一听就让我迷上了 :)

I wanted you  (by: Ina) 我曾那么需要你

Lately I've been thinking about what I can do 最近我总在想我该怎么做
I've been stressing to fall back in love with you 压力让我难以继续去爱你
I'm so sorry that I couldn't follow through 抱歉我没有办法坚持到底
But I can't go on this way. I've got to stop it babe 但我不想继续这样下去 我必须让这一切停止
You've been wonderful in all that you can be  宝贝 你做什么都那么出色
But it hurts when you say that you understand me 但当你说懂我时却让我伤心
So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I 所以 相信我 对不起 对不起

I wanted you to be there when I fall 我跌倒时要你陪在身边
I wanted you to see me through it all 我要你陪着我看尽万物
I wanted you to be the one I loved 我要你成为我唯一的爱
I wanted you, I wanted you 我需要你 我需要你
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep 我熟睡时要你将我搂紧
I wanted you to show me what I need 我要你了解我的所需
I wanted you to know just how down deep 我要你知道我的爱多深
I wanted you, I wanted you 我需要你 我需要你

I've been pushing hard to open up the door  我曾经艰难地打开门
Trying to take us back to where we were before 想和你一起回到过去
But I'm done. I just can't do this anymore 但是我选择放弃 没有办法再这样下去
'Cuz we can't be mended, so let's stop pretending now 因为我俩难以复合 所以 就让彼此别再假装

We've been walking around in circles for some time 我们曾交集成一个圆
And I think we should head for the finish line 我想也应该到终点了
So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I 所以 相信我 对不起 对不起

I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I loved
I wanted you, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
I wanted you, I wanted you

I, I.. I'm so sorry baby
But I, I.. I gotta pack up and leave
But I, I'll always remember how we came close
..to being how I wanted to be
I wanted you baby
I wanted you

I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I loved
I wanted you, I wanted you
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need
I wanted you to know just how down deep
I wanted you, I wanted you

发表于 2010-4-3 13:26:55 | 只看该作者

Elise Estrada有着清澈透明的嗓音,这首歌她的声线婉转,带着淡淡的忧伤,配合超强的节奏让人百听不厌

以下是歌曲的链接,有兴趣的朋友可以试听看看。这首歌词比较简单,就偷个懒不翻译了哈 :)


Crush & Burn

Im sorry babe.
How could i be such an idiot
were talkin through the door please open it
im down on my knees & the neighbors can see, that i regret so desperately
baby if u please just hear me out
i really hope to god i can work it out
im sick to the skin just let me in
you cant believe what i must've been
I know that ur hurting
i know i was wrong
i know that for certain, you know we belong
lease let me see you, please open up
i beg ur forgiveness dont let us fall
Give me 1 more chance
before we crash and burn
give me 1 more chance before the point of no return
I'd give everything to make it good again
i'd do anything to get out of this tail-spin
give me 1 more chance before, before we crash and burn
Please baby please don't leave me standing here
makeup runnin black in a stream of tears
i think what we had, lets get it back cuz
losin's u gonna drive me mad
I know that ur hurting
i know i was wrong
i know that for certain, you know we belong
lease let me see you, please open up
i beg ur forgiveness dont let us fall
Give me 1 more chance
before we crash and burn
give me 1 more chance before the point of no return
I'd give everything to make it good again
i'd do anything to get out of this tail-spin
give me 1 more chance before, before we crash and burn
Plz baby baby let me come inside
we can talk it out where its warm and dry
i really need u to look into my eyes
i really want u to believe me when i apologize
Give me 1 more chance
before we crash and burn
give me 1 more chance before the point of no return
I'd give everything to make it good again
i'd do anything to get out of this tail-spin
give me 1 more chance before, before we crash and burn

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