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发表于 2010-1-24 22:56:40
Rigged and shoddy research
这项研究的几个特点似乎被人为操控以避免发现问题。例如,营养研究通常使用年幼并生长快的动物,这类动物对毒素和营养作用很敏感。孟山度公司的方法是混合年幼和老动物,这种做法可能隐藏了严重问题。同样,他们使用的老鼠的起始重量差别巨大,雄鼠重量在198.4 -259.8克 (或者根据实验目录自相矛盾的数据,143 -186克 )。根据Pusztai的观点,起始重量与平均重量的差异不能大于2%。 宽泛的差异“能够导致在实验结束时不可能发现重大差别。。。。。。”
Several features of the study appear to have been rigged to avoid finding problems. Nutritional studies, for example, typically use young, fast-growing animals, which are sensitive to toxic and nutritional effects. Monsanto used a mix of young and old animals, which may have hidden serious problems. Similarly, they used rats with a huge range of starting weights. Male rats ranged from 198.4 to 259.8 grams (or 143 to 186 grams according to conflicting data in the study’s appendix). According to Pusztai, starting weights should not vary more than two per cent from average. The wide range ‘can make it impossible to find significant differences… at the end of the experiment.’
African aid recipients rely on maize for about 90 per cent of their calorie intake. Rats are stand-ins for humans. According to Pusztai, researchers should have started with the maximum amount of corn possible (while maintaining a balanced diet), and then used lower concentrations to evaluate dose effects. The maximum amount of GM maize fed to the rats was 33 per cent of their diet, constituting only about 15 per cent of their protein.
根据Seralini所说,Mon 863 转基因玉米是新的独特品种;它与天然的生物毒素有几个方面的区别。它至少应该需要运用化学农药的评估水准。在欧盟,这需要对三种哺乳动物进行研究,研究时间跨度为90天到两年。然而,Mon 863 转基因玉米在经过短短的90天老鼠试验后就获得批准。慢性疾病和生殖问题以及对下一代的影响可能都省掉了。而且,研究仅有两次观察(第5周和第14周)运用了已有半个世纪历史的分析方法。它们忽视了一些强有力的新方法,例如:阵列基因分析技术、DNA 芯片技术、蛋白质组学等。
According to Seralini, Mon 863 is new and unique; it differs from natural Bt toxin in seven ways. It should require at least the level of evaluation used for chemical pesticides. In the EU, that requires research on three types of mammals, with studies ranging from 90 days to two years. Mon 863, however, was approved after only a short 90-day rat study. Chronic and reproductive problems, and impacts on the next generation would all be missed. And the study had just two observation times (week five and week 14) using analytical methods that are half a century old. They ignored powerful new methods, such as profiling techniques, DNA chips, proteomics, and others.
报告中的一些的重量检测也显得异乎寻常。 一只老鼠体重在一周减少了53克,而在下一周却增加了102克。 有一些实验开始时最重的老鼠在试验结束时却成了最轻的,在最后四周里面那些老鼠几乎根本没有生长。
Some of the reported weight measurements were also bizarre. One rat dropped 53 grams in one week and gained 102 grams in the next. Some that were heaviest at the beginning of the experiment were the lightest at the end. And the rats hardly grew at all during the last four weeks.
Overall, the research paper was confusing, conflicting, poorly reported and at a whopping 1,139 pages, seemed to try and hide results in a mountain of irrelevant material. It failed to disclose the methods used to measure changes and therefore the research cannot be repeated and the results remain suspect.
从总体上来看这次试验,Pusztai说:“营养学科学家和主流杂志是不会接受这些昭然若揭的缺陷和曲解。” 他补充说:“因此,很奇怪,这样的研究竟然成了政府立法当局考虑的中心文件,并据此做出保护欧洲公民健康的决定。”
Referring to the study as a whole, Pusztai says,‘Nutritional scientists and leading journals would not accept these blatant inadequacies and misinterpretations.’ He adds, ‘It is odd, therefore, that it remains the central document considered by government regulatory authorities upon which to make a decision to protect the health of European citizens.’
德国法院裁决公开 Mon 863 转基因玉米的研究可能会开启更多的这类探求。Seralini说,如果没有被公开,就只有几个毒物学家做决定,而没有公众的评估。而且,决策部门往往会受到申请公司的强力影响。他所在的法国生物分子遗传学委员会(CBG)似乎就是这样,他们最初根据证据拒绝批准 Mon 863 转基因玉米。CBG的主席是遗传学家,与工业部门关系紧密,他请一个顾问只对一个重大异常做出评估,然后在未达到法定人数的情况下强行投票。在18个成员只到场5人的情况下,Mon 863 转基因玉米 以3:2获得通过。Seralini说,奇怪的是其中一个投赞成票的毒理学家“一直反对长期动物毒性测试”。事实上,他是曾经批准诺华地公司(现名先正达公司)的 E 176 玉米的法国委员会成员,而这种玉米仅用3头牛做了两周的实验。事实上,实验开始的时候有四头牛,有一头牛死掉了就被淘汰了。
The German court’s decision to make the Mon 863 study public may open the door for more such revelations. Without disclosure, says Seralini, just a few toxicologists can make the decision without public evaluation. And too often, the decision-making body is heavily influenced by the applying company. This appears to be the case with his French Commission for Biomolecular Genetics (CBG), which originally refused to approve Mon 863 based on the evidence. The CBG’s president, a geneticist who works very closely with industry, asked a consultant to re-evaluate just one significant difference and then forced a second vote without a quorum. With only five of 18 members present, Mon 863 passed three to two. According to Seralini, one of the scientists who voted in favour is a toxicologist who, oddly enough, is ‘always against long animal toxicity tests’. In fact, he had been part of the French committee that approved Novartis (now Syngenta) E 176 corn after it had been tested for only two weeks with three cows. Actually, there were four cows at the start of the study, but one died and was removed.
这个毒理学家也供职于 EFSA,EFSA 因为使用主要转基因食品派科学家已经受到批评。根据2004年11月的《地球之友》杂志报道,“其中一个成员与生物技术行业有直接的财务关系,其他的则有不直接的关系”。其中几个成员,包括其主席,则是一项欧盟资助的将“为转基因食品在欧洲市场化提供便利”作为明确目标项目的成员。而且,“其中两个成员还出现在生物技术公司制作的宣传片里面”。
That toxicologist is also on EFSA, which has come under attack for including primarily pro-GM scientists. ‘One member has direct financial links with the biotech industry and others have indirect links,’ according to a November 2004 report by Friends of the Earth. Several members, including the chairman, have been part of an EU-funded project with the stated goal to ‘facilitate market introduction of GMO’s in Europe’. And ‘two members have even appeared in promotional videos produced by the biotech industry.’
因此,我们不再奇怪 EFSA 赞同并重复孟山度公司的借口为什么喂食 Mon 863 转基因玉米老鼠统计学上的重大健康结果没有关联性。然而,欧盟部长理事会对 EFSA 的推荐不予考虑并在(2005年)7月24日对批准 Mon 863 转基因玉米投了反对票。但由于欧盟法律要求一个“法定的多数”,这个问题被提交到欧盟委员会,他们则批准让欧洲公民食用(Mon 863 转基因玉米)。
It is no surprise, therefore, that EFSA endorsed and even repeated each of Monsanto’s excuses why the statistically significant health effects of rats fed Mon 863 were not relevant. The majority of EU Council of Ministers, however, ignored EFSA’s recommendation and on 24 July voted not to approve the Mon 863. But since EU law requires a ‘qualified majority’, it was passed onto the Commission who gave its approval for consumption by European citizens.
既然行业研究可能会被公开, EFSA 和欧盟委员会可能会更加谨慎并要求真正的科学论证和严格的研究。同时,我们依然不知道喂食 Mon 863 转基因玉米的那些老鼠的病情有多重,我们也不知道对人类的影响。
Perhaps EFSA and the European Commission will be more careful to require truly scientific arguments and rigorous research, now that industry studies may be made public. In the meantime, we still don’t know how sick the rats were that ate Mon 863. And we have no idea of the impact on humans. |