
[原创]招聘 Metal sourcing Engineer

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发表于 2009-10-13 17:37:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Your job

As a Sourcing Engineer you will have two main tasks. You will work closely with our Chinese suppliers, such as product development, making audits periodicity, approving samples/products, training and technical support. You will develop, evaluate and manage supplier to assure good quality and efficiency.

And you will search for new suppliers and also negotiate price and terms with them. PO tracking will also be necessary.


Your experience

You have a few years of experience within either another foreign company or within the metal (both raw material and processed) manufacturing area, with technical support or as sourcing engineer.



Your education

You have a technical or mechanical degree.


Your personality

You like working both individually and in teams. You like having responsibility. You like taking initiatives. You are willing to learn.



You write and read English perfectly. You must be able to write reports in English. Basic knowledge in speaking is OK.

You have experience in the Microsoft Office programs, such as Outlook, Word, Excel. Experience in AutoCAD is a plus.


Your co-workers

You will be working with both English and Chinese speaking coworkers. Chinese will be spoken at work, but the written language is always English.


If you are interested in the position please send in your CV in both English and Chinese to vivien.ge@growhr.com  Any questions are welcomed. Looking forward to talking with you.

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