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发表于 2008-12-31 11:14:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



这两天热炒的一条新闻说,一位叫李紫子的成都女生,因为出席全球青年领袖峰会,成功获选,参加奥巴马的就职典礼。??????? 新闻原文写的那叫一个幼稚和肉麻我就懒得说了。这一看就是没有大脑的记者被人给忽悠了,参加什么奥巴马就职典礼,我也不感兴趣。




果不其然,昨天下午就出了个新闻说?? ,这事儿吧不靠谱。我们的小姑娘李紫子不是接受的美国国会的邀请。而是国会下属的一个名为“全球青少年领袖论坛”(the Congressional Youth Leadership Council)的青少年组织。去年8月,李紫子因参加了该组织举办的比赛并表现出色,因此才会收到邀请函。


嘿嘿,忽悠人哪?就怕你没有英文全称 ,这下咱就来看看这都是些什么东西。

等等,记者不懂英文吗?国会下属的“全球青少年领袖论坛”与英文名 the Congressional Youth Leadership Council CYLC)这俩根本没关系啊。。。不管,祭起谷歌大法

很快找到了这个CYLC的官方网站? 这是丫们的自我介绍:About CYLC

Congressional Youth Leadership Council (CYLC) program scholars represent the upper echelon of today's youth in both academic performance and community leadership. Each student is selected for nomination based upon academic achievement or classroom surveys, as well as by distinguished educators, mentors or CYLC program alumni, ensuring that every participant possesses the drive and determination to emerge as a future and world leader.

Our mission is to foster and inspire young people to achieve their full leadership potential. In support of this mission, members of the U.S. Congress and over 50 embassies representing countries around the world serve on CYLC's Honorary Board of Advisors.

Now in its 23rd year, CYLC is a nonpartisan, independent organization. It is located just outside of Washington, D.C. in Vienna, VA.

The Congressional Youth Leadership Council Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, provides need-based scholarships to high-achieving students who have qualified to attend the programs offered by the Congressional Youth Leadership Council. The Council and the Foundation's scholarships recognize and reward students for leadership and academic achievement and ensure the diversity of CYLC programs. Students who receive foundation scholarships bring a full range of meaningful and valuable perspectives and viewpoints that contribute greatly to the experience of the program.



他说的是什么?说的是,邀请您,亲爱的zizi 参加presidential youth inuagural conference(PYIC)……once again,和美国总统就职半毛钱关系没有。 谷歌大法,再次出马。


怎么看,这都是个广告嘛。我们看CYLC对PYIC的简介:About PYIC

The Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference (PYIC) is designed to educate, motivate and inspire students by giving them a deeper understanding of the electoral history of the United States, as well as their roles in democracy.

PYIC provides high-achieving alumni of the Congressional Youth Leadership Council (CYLC) and the National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF) an opportunity to witness the responsibilities of leadership while commemorating a truly historic event—the presidential inauguration.

Through interaction with congressional staff, national journalists, leading decision makers, renowned scholars and military leaders, PYIC scholars receive direct experience and guidance that cannot be found in textbooks.

The PYIC curriculum was developed by Dr. Marguerite Regan, a former high school teacher and social science department chairperson with a doctorate in political science from Purdue University. Dr. Regan has been involved in the creation and development of innovative educational curricula and programs for over 30 years. Under Dr. Regan's direction, the curriculum provides a unique approach to leadership training.





You will be present on the historic morning of January 20,2009,as the president and Vice president of the United States of America are sworn in to office

这语法的刺儿我就不挑了。 翻译过来是:在1月20日美国总统和副总统宣誓就职的那天早上,你“会出现”(you will be present on the historical morning of )。。。介不废话么?我哪天没出现?




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