⑴节制:食不过饱,饮不过量; ⑵缄默:避免闲谈,言必有益; ⑶秩序:物归其所,事需限期; ⑷决心:当做必做,坚持完成; ⑸节俭:节省花费,花必有值; ⑹勤勉:珍惜时间,做有益事; ⑺诚实:真诚待人,言行一致; ⑻正直:多行善事,不损他人; ⑼中庸:容忍为先,不走极端; ⑽整洁:衣着整洁,居所清洁; ⑾平静:临危不惧,处乱不惊; ⑿节欲:少行房事,修身养性; ⒀谦逊:效法耶稣,苏格拉底。
1. Temperance: Eat not to dullness and drink not to elevation. 节制:不要吃得像个傻子,也不要喝得飘飘然。
2. Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation. 沉默:只说那些能让他人或自己受益的话。避免闲聊。
3. Order: Let all your things have their places. Let each part of your business have its time. 秩序:让东西各归其位。给自己的事务安排好时间。
4. Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve. 决心:下定决心做你应该做的。把要解决的问题成功解决掉。
5. Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself: i.e. Waste nothing. 节俭:只花对他人或自己有益处的钱,就是说不要浪费任何东西。
6. Industry: Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions. 勤奋:不要浪费时间。总应该有些有用的事来做。取消一切不必要的活动。
7. Sincerity: Use no hurtful deceit. Think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly. 诚实:不要恶意骗人。以善意和公正为思考的出发点;而且说话也应如此。
8. Justice: Wrong none, by doing injuries or omitting the benefits that are your duty. 正当:不应当去伤害人或因失职而使利益受损。
9. Moderation: Avoid extremes. Forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. 适度:避免极端。克制怨恨会带来多大的伤害仅在自己一念之间。
10. Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanness in body, clothes or habitation. 整洁:不可容忍身体、衣服和住所的污秽。
11. Chastity: Rarely use venery but for health or offspring; Never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation. 贞洁:仅为健康和生育的目的行房;不要在此事上犯傻,也不要软弱,更不要有损于自己或他人的平静与名声。
12. Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable. 冷静:不要让琐事,普通或不可避免的事故来扰乱自己。
13. Humility: Imitate Jesus and Socrates. 谦逊:向耶酥和苏格拉底学习。 |