
外资EMS公司招聘-物料总监(供应链)-地点: 上海

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发表于 2007-11-9 12:57:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

外资EMS公司招聘-物料总监-地点: 上海 下面是职位描述:                                   

-Job Title: Material Director
Department: Materials Dept.
Reports To: GM

Job Responsibilities:
1.Supervise and coordinate the activities of the mass production components purchasing, logistics, planning, import, export and warehouse.
2.Insure the supply meet the demands of mass production.
3.Oversee and delegate work loads of employees.
4.Communicate with program management for forecasting and customer order.
5.Effectively manage manufactured product inventory in proper level.
6.Oversee all production scheduling to ensure schedules are in line with orders and forecasts, production capacities and corporate objectives.
7.Communicate with production to insure all materials flow in contol and get accurate record.
8.Monitor and evaluate performance of employees, personnel requirements, selection, and training.
9.Maintain and control the budget, negotiate with forwards and packing material supplier for demand of cost down to adhere with yearly budget.
10.Attend and conduct appropriate meetings.
11.Optimize the procedure and supervise dept employee to implement the procedure strictly.
12.Make ensure warehouse safety, including material flow and system management.

Position Requirements:
1.Bachelor's Degree or above in materials or electronics. 
2.5-10 years supervisory experience in a similar position in EMS industry.
3.Excellent English & Chinese communication skills, both written and oral.
4.Excellent PC skills.
5.Proficient in SAP or ERP system.
6.Good knowledge of Supply chain management
7.Ability to pay close attention to detail.
8.Good organizational and time management skills.
9.Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.

联系人:Alice Xu
电话:021-62519984 *111

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