AICPA美國註冊會計師協會(American Institute of Gertified Public Accountants, AICPA) \ 美國會計師協會AAA(American Accounting Association,AAA) FEI財務經理人協會(Financial Executives Institute, FEI)
IIA內部審計師協會(Institute of Internal Auditors, IIA)
IMA管理會計師協會(Institute of Management Accountants, IMA)
SEC證券交易委員會(Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC) GAO審計總署(General Accounting Office, GAO) ABA美國律師協會(American Bar Association, ABA) POB公共監督委員會(Public Oversight Board, POB) MBNQA馬爾姆.鮑德里奇國家質量獎(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, MBNQA) NIST國家標準及技術協會(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST) ASQC美國質量控制協會(American Society for Quality Control)
CICA加拿大特許會計師公會(Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, CICA)下屬的控制標準委員會(Criteria of Control Committee,CoCo) |