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发表于 2007-7-24 08:48:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  模拟就是要仿真。前几年麦肯锡在招聘的最后一轮面试时,公司会在面试前专门安排三天的培训,其中就包括了角色扮演,有应聘者扮演麦肯锡的顾问,而麦肯锡的顾问们扮演公司的CEO,CFO,VP of Marketing等,让应聘者感受实际和公司管理层打交道的压力,并对他们的表现给予评价讲评。

Mock Interview
①.    主观问题:为什么选择咨询行业?为什么选择这家公司?我们为什么要录用你?诸如此类。(5-10分钟)
②.    案例问题(15-20分钟)
③.    向面试官提问(3-5分钟)
a)    练习篇

John : Hi, Li, it's great to meet you. Everyone on the committee was very impressed by your resume.
李: I'm glad to hear it.
John: I see you're the managing editor of your college publications. What was your toughest challenge as an editor?
“I want to give you as much time as possible for the case. So unless you have any questions for me, let’s get started.”
John: Recently, I was at a strategy meeting with a consumer brand company. They told me that in the past two quarters, sales of their waffles had risen significantly.
李: Their waffles? I don't know a lot about breakfast food marketing, but that doesn't seem like a product that would suddenly experience a big jump in sales.
John: That's right; Li. That's why they asked us to look into the matter. What would you do?
假设你之前已经作了充分的准备,包括案例面试的各种模型,所以你觉得解答这道题可以用上4P’s,那先在脑子里回忆一下4Ps指的是:price, placement, promotion 和 product。现在你要告诉你的面试官你准备从哪里入手回答他的问题。
李:Let's break down the situation like this. First, I'm going to try to find out about the market position of the waffles. Then, I'm going to try to figure out how the waffles are being promoted. After that, I'll ask whether there are any price-based reasons for the surge in waffle sales. Finally, I'll ask you about the waffles themselves.
John:That seems like a reasonable way to proceed
李:Okay, then, what is the overall market for waffles? Has it grown recently?
John:No, Demand for waffles seems to be holding steady.
李:That means we're taking our waffle sales from other waffle manufacturers.
John: It seems so.
李:Is there a seasonal reason for this increase in waffle consumption? Perhaps people eat more waffles when it's cold?
John:No, our waffles sales are normally steady year-round.
李:Have sales of other breakfast foods, or our own breakfast products, increased as well?
John:No, they haven't, There seems to be no uptick in the breakfast food market.
李:Has our client entered any new markets recently? Perhaps they've entered the Asian market? I'm assuming that these waffles are only sold in North American markets.
John:Your assumption is correct, and that is a good question. In fact, the company does plan to expand into the European and Asian markets. That's why they want to know the reason behind the sales upsurge - so they can replicate it. But for the time being, no, they haven't expanded the sales area.
李:Okay, let's talk about promotion and price, Has our client lowered prices recently?
李:Have other waffle manufacturers raised their prices?
李:Is our product a premium product - have we raised prices?
John:No, there is little price differential between our waffles and competing waffle products. And prices have not varied in the past two quarters. In fact, our waffles are slightly more expensive than some waffles, and a bit less than others.
李:Then maybe there's some kind of promotion going on. Has the company started advertising its waffles? Is it promoting a related product, like syrup?
John:No, no.
李:Maybe the price of all syrup has gone down?
John:That would affect the consumption of all waffles.
李(开始随便猜了):Is there a celebrity who's recently become famous for eating our waffles?
John(笑道):That's not it.
李:Then tell me about our client's promotion process.
John:Our client spends about $10 million yearly on waffle promotion. Every month, we run advertisements in three selected magazines. We also have coupon promotions and a commercial that runs on TV.
李(你感觉到快接近答案了):Have we started to put our commercials on more popular programs? Has the quality of our advertising improved?
John(摇着头):We haven't significantly changed our promotion campaign. The ratings of the shows we advertise on are about the same. We have noticed more use of our coupons, however.
李:Has the demographic of our advertising changed?Is the client now pitching to people who are more likely to eat waffles?
John:As far as we can tell, the makeup and audience of our advertising hasn't changed.
李:Then perhaps something has changed about our product. Has the shape changed?
John:Well, it has changed a bit.
李:How so?
John:It's flattened out somewhat.
李:Why? Has the production process changed?
John:Yes, it has. We're using a new template for the waffles as part of a general factory modernization.
李:Are the ingredients the same?
John:Those have changed too. We're using a new supplier.
李:Then, I would venture to guess that consumers in North America prefer a flatter, larger waffle. There must be something about the new production process that has created a better waffle.
John:Yes, our focus groups show that the texture and crispiness of the waffle has improved. Consumers are responding to our inadvertently improved waffle.
李:Then I recommend that we investigate whether European and Asian markets would respond in a similar manner to our new waffle product. We should also promote our waffle advantage in the market. Perhaps we could enter new markets for waffles, like using them for dinner, as crepes.
John:Your suggestions are interesting and we'll look at them later. Good job! Do you have any questions for me about Boom Consulting?

发表于 2007-7-24 09:33:33 | 只看该作者

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