
楼主:寡无欲 - 


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发表于 2003-4-3 13:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
Dear 寡无欲,
I am very agree with you that English is a very fundamental skill for our manager or a manager in the future.and I am also believe that we must make more friends in order to realize our life goal.

But I am very sorry to say that I can't agree with your bad attitude to others.I think as a bright man,he will never walk with other in such a bad shrilly attitude.

You had mentioned 刘备 in your words,I think that your must know the story of him,but do you understand his success and his personality clearly?? Everyone knows that his success was derived from his good personality better than his ability.and the soul of his successful personality is that he can tolerate with others very well.(compare to 曹操.)

Yes,we must pay more attention to the quality of our friends better than to the amount of it,but I wanna remind you that we must learn how to estimate our friends or a person at first,Otherwise, maybe we can't get the best answer.

Just any personal opinion,for your reference,welcome to chat with me in other ways or in other places,but not the forum of our 管理漫谈.
发表于 2003-4-3 14:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
sorry, there is a mistakes.
I just want to say about this question,welcome more communication with me in other ways and other places, not mean that I dont like to discuss other question in chinese with 寡无欲 in 管理漫谈,.
报歉,写得太快了, 回头一读才发现太容易误解了,特此解释一下.
发表于 2003-4-3 19:39:00 | 显示全部楼层

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