
楼主:寡无欲 - 


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-3 02:12:00 | 只看该作者
Great, It seems that we are communicating with many wise people, who may be the future elite of China.

We need        to understand that under what circumstance we are, and afterwards, we could know what need        us to do and what aspects        need us to improve.

The first step, we need to know        where        a bad        light is. The second step is to repair it.

Our great country and nation need us to change something.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-3 02:23:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用纯粹心情在2004-2-2 20:06:00的发言:
蔑视你的观点,虽然某方面你说得很对,中国确是欠缺了; 可是,这些话从 Britisher口中说出可以接受,但从一个国人(也许你拿了PR OR CITIZEN,但毕竟是黄皮肤黑眼珠)口中大肆宣扬却觉得有如腥臭难闻,隐隐作呕。 在国外,你可能会随时惹上一身官司,高度人权带来的。凡事无绝对,涉及政治的东东我就不提了。

Thank you for your honest. I believe that the words which you mentioned before, are most of people who want to show us. The words represent a lot of Chinese people's opinions. I quite understand as well. I am Chinese. Actually, I am so sorry to tell you that what troubles our country are facing. The feelings are the same as criticising our parents. I do not feel happy at all. I feel sorry and angry that why I cannot change something. Why I cannot be a leader or chairman of our country to improve something. It might not be impossible. But, it must be very difficult. My ultimate target is to wake up more people to know what on earth we need to do. What we need to improve for our bright future.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-3 02:59:00 | 只看该作者

fficeffice" />

The work which I am doing is to wake up more people that what on earth problems we need to solve. What is the real and key problem in our country?

We might think that Human Rights are nothing. We cannot use it do anything.

Actually, it is a misunderstanding.

As for Individual:

If meeting any problems, you have right to solve it. You can be treated fairly, although you are nobody.

宝马 撞人 If you read the article, you may know what unfair treatment you may face.

As for nation and country:

We need to avoid the high risk, which we may meet. We cannot expect that our country will be strongest in the word because of our chairman. (Ze Dong Mao, Xiao Ping Deng) If we just reply on one person’s effort, we may face too high risk. We need to expect that our country will be a leader in the word because of our efforts.

Everyone in the forum might understand management including theories and practices

If one company is successful today, which only depends on one leader, the organization may involve in troubles tomorrow morning. And, the troubles may be fatal, because nobody supervises his behaviours. And he knows nothing alternative ways to solve the same problem. He knows nothing about better plans.

Actually, you know, Human Rights are not

From some aspects, I may be stronger than others, or even be much stronger.

But, I cannot feel safety in China. How could you have?

 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-3 03:40:00 | 只看该作者
What is Human Rights?

What do I mean by "safety"?

If you were disability, but you still feel very comfortable, and        live very happy in China.

Human Rights should not serve for those who have absoluately power, but weakers.
发表于 2004-2-3 23:59:00 | 只看该作者





 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-4 04:31:00 | 只看该作者
I can be with you.

As a result, we have three choices.

The first one, we have to make a living under the circumstance.

The second one, we may find another different place to live.

The third one. we must change the situation which we are facing so that we may live happliy and freely.

I am very happy to know our great people's choice.
发表于 2004-2-5 02:10:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-5 04:55:00 | 只看该作者
That is the ture.

Also, this is the key reason why we need to do        something for our great country nation.

We need to struggle for our future.
发表于 2004-2-5 05:19:00 | 只看该作者
I agree with you ,mate. I am also in Uk now. I got the similar feeling when I fist arrived in Edinburgh one year before.         What stroked me much is the similar feeling you get today. One thing so impressive on my deep mind is that when I walked across the road        one time,two trucks with Royal army soldiers stopped before me and let me move first. Those scottish soldiers waved hands with friendly smiles. Just at that moment, I know what human right is !what safe should be. You don't need to worry about those         tiresome matters in your daily life. But I will return ,due to my families. My parents are living in China.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-5 5:44:49编辑过]
发表于 2004-2-5 05:39:00 | 只看该作者
initially, when me first touch the spirit of modern western human rights, we will change our minds about what the world is and how the world runs. our view of the modern society get changed as well         as long as the economy booming in China lasts.         later on , it will certainly re -engineer the mechanism of our political operations. it is our resposibility to start the igniting of the candle of our long journey for a democratic society.so for this reason,we all should return       
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-5 5:42:23编辑过]

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