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发表于 2007-5-16 14:18:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

   高层教育市场中由于利润丰厚,吸引了众多投资者加入,目前来看,高层教育市场存在几个层次,第一阵营有清华大学经管学院、职业经理人训练中心和北京大学光华管理学院和中欧商学院等,第二阵营有人大商学院和外经贸学院及长江商学院等,第三阵营则是国内多数大学的MBA 课程及一些民办MBA 课程培训机构等等。总的来说,全国各地从事高层管理培训的机构不下上千家。但是真正脱颖而出的品牌很少。那么建立教育品牌有什么样的内子规律呢?如何才能保证一个高层教育品牌基业长青呢?






人类倒数 1500 年,有85 个组织留存下来,其中70 个是大学,15 个是宗教,没有一家盈利机构。权倾天下的王朝或如百年巴林银行都可以一朝倾覆,但只有教育、宗教和文化可以永续。在一个大学里一味的强调赢利是危险的。支持一个教育机构永续存在的是其非同凡响的使命。抗日战争时期,清华、北大和北京师范大学在北京沦陷时都曾远徙至云南、广西和甘肃等偏远地方,其艰辛和困苦异常,他们一路上仍流离失所仍是以教师为中心的,牢记作为一个大学的使命。结果,抗日胜利后,他们又回来了。



百年建筑有董事长牵头的 10人研发队伍,影响力、聚成和德鲁克管理学院都有 CEO 牵头的数量众多的课程研发队伍。模仿和抄袭难以形成竞争力,而且非常不可执行。联想公司曾派商业间谍刺探DELL 的管理模式,DELL 知道后将全部内容和盘托出,联想研究后却认为不适合自己。

2、企业家当教授讲课的做法是很有很大风险的。在研究和观摩过中欧、长江、清华、北大等学校的课程后,深知MBA 课程教授是一项非常专业非常高深的工作。而且MBA 课程中有很多花哨、有趣和启发性的小技巧,这是需要教务部门做很多工作来提高质量的。我们的MBA 课程还存在很大的质量提高空间。


3、宣传工作日常化、品牌化和互动化,其中特别值得一提的是口碑营销,这是高层教育培训中非常有效和特色的营销工具,每一个行业因为各不相同的资源配置,导致其营销特色也各不相同,在高层教育行业,因为高层人士的信息接受特点和活动规律,导致他们对朋友之间的信息交流非常重视,非常善于倾听和接受优质的信息,这是高层教育品牌适合于做口碑传播的内在因素,根据统计,德鲁克管理学院和百年建筑等转介绍的比例非常高,最多一个班到 60%。



Mission , Aims, Vision and Values

Our Mission

To be an influential, relevant and highly respected multidisciplinary international business school, a learning community of high calibre scholars, teachers, learners and alumni serving the national, international and regional communities through: the provision of educational and training opportunities that inspire and enable individuals to develop their academic, entrepreneurial, leadership and other capabilities to their full potential; and the conduct, dissemination and exploitation of internationally recognised research and scholarship which increase knowledge, skills and understanding.

Our Aims

In pursuit of its mission, the School has the following aims:

To attract students of high quality and potential;

To provide high quality educational programmes and encourage high quality innovative teaching and learning in a flourishing research environment;

To seek innovation in programmes, curriculum design and learning methods through the interaction of teaching, research and practice;

To operate a learning, teaching and assessment system which allows students to acquire and/or develop the knowledge and skills appropriate to their chosen educational and/or career pathway;

To facilitate the development of business leaders capable of generating new ideas and applying new skills to the development of management practice;

To engage in executive education, consultancy and the dissemination of good practice;

To maintain and develop strong connections with the regional, national and international business communities to maximise new opportunities;

To recruit and develop high quality staff who will take responsibility for planning, supporting and nurturing the School's educational and research activities in a multidisciplinary environment to enhance the international profile of the School;

To seek efficiencies in programme deliveries and effectiveness in administration;

To strengthen the knowledge base and knowledge transfer by: ensuring that companies look to the School for the provision of leading edge thinking, relevant to their key activities; offering rapid and easy access to important University research; involving practising managers in setting research agendas; improving access to continuous management learning for practising managers; being active in local and regional development and training needs.

Our Vision

Durham Business School seeks to be one of the top European Business Schools with high moral values and international standing in its scholarship, producing graduates who are leaders and thinkers, imbued with initiative, enterprise and a continuing quest for lifelong learning.

Our Values

In fulfilling its purpose, Durham Business School holds the following values:

We are committed to being a research-led School, valuing knowledge and learning for their own sake as well as for the cultural, social and economic benefits they offer;

We are committed to the communication of knowledge and learning, through an environment in which leading academic staff teach and engage in dissemination of knowledge to a broader community;

We believe in creating an environment in which academic excellence can be combined with opportunities for personal development, so enabling individuals to create their own futures;

We seek to recruit and develop staff and students of the highest quality, recognizing that people are our primary resource;

We respect the academic freedom of all staff and students that they might confidently engage in leading-edge and innovative knowledge creation and debate;

We are committed to promoting diversity and equality of opportunity for all staff and students;

We will ensure that our activities are carried out ethically and to the highest standards.

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