
招聘 工厂主管;机械或电子采购;焊机销售;工业方法开发

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发表于 2006-2-25 18:48:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1. Workshop Responsible 工厂主管

Managing the production of welding machines according to quantity and quality targets.

Using ERP system for production, reception and delivery, organizing shift and daily management as well as preventive maintenance.

Engineering background in electricity and mechanics. 3 to 5 years experience in production

Environment. Can speak English.

2.Purchasers either for mechanical or electrical parts 采购(机械或电子)

In charge of the sourcing of market industrial products or parts as per our design for mechanical or electrical , he/she will be in charge of finding new suppliers or sub-contractors. Checking and inspecting quality, negotiating prices following-up contracts, he will issue Purchase Orders. With an experience of a few years in a similar position, can use ERP system. He is willing to travel to visit and certified new suppliers.

Can speak English.

Engineering background, can speak English and willing to travel.

3.Salesman of Welding Equipment 焊机销售graduated from University.)

Responsible of a geographic area for the promotion of welding power sources manufactured in China and in Europe. 3 / 4 years experienced salesman having sold already industrial equipment. Like selling and traveling. Can speak some English.

4.Industrial Method Developer工业方法开发

Will be in charge of setting Industrial Methods of Production, Quality, Inspection and Safety.

Has experienced in reading blue prints (mechanic, electric or pneumatic), can use design software, he also has some knowledge with the Chinese and International Standard.

He can speak some English.

Mechanical or Electrical Engineer with a n experience of 2 to 3 year in a similar position, can speak English.

Location: hangzhou 杭州


MSN: zjlzsh@hotmail.com

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