
北京猎头招聘:税务经理 (B TO B网络公司)

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发表于 2006-7-15 09:58:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1.       Manage the Tax processes on some special ongoing projects, i.e. Cost sharing agreement, transfer pricing, new property tax planning, China Profit Alignment, 15% tax rate holiday (double incentive enterprise),etc , and be responsible for tax advice on new investment and business activities, etc.
2.       Develop, implement, and maintain Business Practices for Tax functions consistent with Chinese and US regulatory and legal requirements.
3.       Manage deferred tax, income tax provision under PRC and US GAAP.
4.       Key interface with Tax authorities for tax audits and statutory audit  by PwC Shanghai.
5.       Provide internal tax consulting services.
6.       Set up internal tax review procedure for China tax team.
7.       Support tax reporting and forecasting,
8.       Supervise company tax returns filing.
9.       Review current tax practice and recommend best tax practices.
10.   Manage and assist in the tax audit process by government agencies

Skills and Experience:
1.    Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, MBA is preferred.
2.    6+ years experience in tax accounting area, preferably with multinational manufacturing companies. Min. 2 years managerial experience
3.    Proficiency in spoken & written English
4.   Thorough knowledge of PRC Tax regulation & practice.
5.   Familiar with US Tax provision and practice.   


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