
猎头职位: 黑带培训

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发表于 2007-4-10 17:19:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Title: Black Belt      
1 Determines continuous improvement initiatives to drive operational performance.
2 Coordinates and conducts 6 Sigma Blackbelt, Greenbelt training and other new initiatives.
3 Regularly reviews of company operation processes and identifies the potential opportunities for process improvement and key performance measurements
4 Develops and coaches continuous improvement projects/teams in China headquarters/plants.
5 Arranges and organizes the application of other new tools for continuous improvement in every function/plant. 
6 Push and support Kaizen(Lean Manufacturing) events in plants.
7 Maintains good relations with every function/plant. Keeps the senior management of the company informed of project status and all relevant information at all times.
The ideal candidate should possess a minimum Bachelor's degree, Master Blackbelt or Blackbelt of 6 Sigma certified.
This person should have worked at least 5 years in different Depts including production or engineering of foreign investment enterprises with a minimum 2-year process improvement experience.
Experience in Bath and kitchen facility would certainly be a plus.
He/she should have strong knowledge of 6 Sigma with process improvement in commercial area/plants.
Have ability to coach 6 Sigma projects. Lean manufacturing experience is also preferred.
The candidate should also been well experienced with adequate MS Office software.
In addition, he/she should acknowledge a satisfactory written & spoken English level.   
target range of offer: RMB 13,000 ~ 15,000/M (13M, pre-tax)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-12-11 9:06:14编辑过]

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