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发表于 2004-11-28 23:23:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式



http://www.analysys.com.cn 易观国际

. Senior Analyst–高级分析师

北京市,上海市 所属部门:易观顾问

方向: Telecom -电信

IT Industry Application -IT行业应用

IT Infrastructure -IT产品

Consumer Electronics -消费电子

Semi-Conductor -半导体


1. Cooperate with the Manager to design the Analysys Report Product Line in relevant field;

2. Roll out report product on schedule independently;

3. Leading analysts to study industry and relevant value chain based on Analysys Methodology;

4. Supporting consulting and research projects in relevant industry application field;

5. Contribute to know-how accumulation;

6. Responsible to delivery paper, speech and other related knowledge based product


1、 Good communication skills and logical thinking;

2、 Keen understanding of business market in nature;

3、 Enjoy challenge, smart, aggressive and team working;

4、 Graduated from famous university, Hold master degree, major in EE, Telecom, CS, business management preferred.;

5、 Fluency in Written and Spoken English and Mandarin.

6、 Working experience of product manager in leading vendors, or analyst experience, senior journalist experience is preferred

For Senior Analyst-Telecom:

Minimum 3 years working experience in Telecom Industry, vendor or carrier working experience preferred. Solid Telecom Industry know-how, value chain insight preferred; Wide Information link with MII, carriers, vendors or channels.

For Senior Analyst-IT Industry Application:

Minimum 3 years working experience in IT Industry, pre-sales in vendor or SI preferred. Solid know-how about IT products, services and applications. Wide relationship with industry users, vendors and services providers.

For Senior Analyst-IT Infrastructure:

Minimum 3 years working experience in IT Industry, leading vendors, channels and Sis.

For Senior Analyst-Consumer Electronics:

Minimum 3 years working experience in relevant Industry, pre-sales preferred. Solid CE Industry know-how about China Market needs, CAPEX trends, technology evolution, competition intelligence. Wide relationship with industry users, vendors and distributors

For Senior Analyst-Semiconductor:

1) 对于半导体器件设计和应用


2) 熟悉主流的半导体器件分类和各自的领导厂家及特点;

3) 熟悉半导体生产体系(前道、后道等)设备主流厂家及特点;

4) 熟悉主要的半导体应用领域及其需求特点,如通信、家电、IT、关键行业等;

5) 在业内有较为广泛的信息资源和信息渠道。

. Research Manager –市场研究经理

北京市,上海市 所属部门:易观研究


1、Design & Conduct Marketing Research project independently; 2、Assist in business development and fulfill the revenue target; 3、Account management; 4、Contribute to marketing research and industry know-how accumulation。


1、Over 3 years marketing research experience with well-known international or local vendors, especially in IT or Telecom industry; 2、University degree or above; 3、Strong communication ability; 4、Fluent in spoken and written English; 5、Aggressive and good interpersonal skills and excellent teamwork。

发表于 2008-4-15 14:38:34 | 只看该作者

楼主可以到市场研究网(www.allmr.com )发招聘信息,市场研究行业的人登陆的比较多

发表于 2006-8-14 15:56:09 | 只看该作者

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