
looking for a job in foreign tading company

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发表于 2007-3-9 15:37:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Last September i resigned my job to study my Englsh.,now I finished my English course last month and  my foreign teacher told me that my English is adequate to work in foreign company.

here is my resume:

2005/05--2006/09FYeo's(guangzhou)Beverage corporation
vice general manager team analysis supervisor

Drafting the Budget and analysing the financial report and presenting the month-report to vice General manager, analysing and simplifying the process to reduce the cost
Report Directly to: vice general manager
2004/02--2004/12FDongMi fishing Rod Korea company
sale department vice manager
I'm responsible for searching new customer ,during this time ,My duty is developing new potential Market ,although "DONGMI" is a top brand in world, but in china , it is a new brand, my another major job is popularizing it by compiling the advert and promotion
Report Directly to: general manager and manager
2001/12--2003/11FTaiwan fanyu fishing tackle
Market Dept Market supervisor
communicating with dealer regularly in order to know their need and market's tendency, popularizing new brand through advertisement and promotion, compiling the magazine of sale channel.
Report Directly to: superior manager and GM

1994/06--2001/12Fjiangzhong pharmaceutical corporation
financial analysis Dept
cooperating with other department and the sub-branch devising strategical plan ,check his carrying out every month, Drafting the budget with other Dept and analysing the result , presenting the report to the General Manager regularly .
Report Directly to: vice general manager

发表于 2007-3-9 18:15:45 | 只看该作者

hi, buddy

you'd better send your resume to some HR consulting company for more chances.

fyi, if you have to decide which one is the ideal one to work with ,you are recommended to log onto

www.doulaiping.com to check more information about that employer.

wish you good luck &happy weekend!

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