
About Team

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发表于 2006-5-12 18:47:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

In traditional means, ffice:smarttags" />China is collectivism country, but Chinese team always failure. Chinese volleyball team of men never a world class team, although Chinese football player of men had some famous star such as, Fan Zhi Yi,China Sun ,according to Chinese football team of men acquired Asian football game winner was a Arabian Night, Why Chinese team succeed rate very low ?what the reason about Chinese team? How Chinese team could succeed? So we must face problem.fficeffice" />

  Although Chinese is a collectivism country, but Chinese person always privatism trends, Chinese person don’t hold together, only known competition, don’t known cooperation. Chinese company don’t know how to build a team, they only copy the framework, change the name, such as from “ministry of personnel to human resource office”, want to build a team in one day, but framework, name never the whole of true, it is while known: “Rome didn’t build in one day”, build a team was a complex, difficult, and formidable task. One in thousand, Chinese team always failure? Could we find the way to lead a team? How to defined succeed of a team?

  In a research report, there concluded that most of succeed team have eight common characters:

I.A clear, elevating goal, a vague aim doesn’t let member of team what and how to do.

II.A result-driven structure, based-on team result than individual relationship, would let member fell impartiality.

III.Have competent members, some person said that in a team, members always ability supplement each other.

IV.In a succeed team, all member may have a unified commitment, for example: there goals, future, vision.…

V.Almost succeed team had a collaborative climate, every member like a whole.

VI.For measure team succeed, they set up excellence standard and achieve it.

VII.A succeed team also get external support and recognition, may external recognition was the best award to the team.

VIII.A succeed team may have a principled leader to achieve team common vision and goals, admired there effort.

So, a succeed team doesn’t mystery, its attainability. Chinese team recognize how to build a succeed team and we would see more and more succeed Chinese team.

发表于 2006-5-12 21:44:30 | 只看该作者



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