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发表于 2003-12-19 05:46:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
I would like to communicate with you some things such as dealing  with others, since the skills are crucial to everyone in society.    Some recommendations for females.

First of all, you cannot promise something before you help them. I mean, although you can handle something very well, but, do not forget to only give possible answers to someone who needs you help.

Golden Principle one:
Do not promise anything to whomever you want to help.

Firstly, if you promise something, they will enssure that you can help them, once you fail to help them, they will blame you.

Secondly, by comparison with a possible answer to someone, if you make a promise, even if you help them successfully, they will not appreciate you more. ( In contrast,  they will appreciate you more, once you help them without making any promise in advance.)

Therefore Golden Principle two:
If someone asks you to help them, please using words such as "might" and "would", "could" "perhaps" "maybe", not using "will"  and "can ".

Golden Principle three:
Do not owe others something, particularly, Ren qing.
You can make someone owe you it.

Do not reply the email very often.
it is unnecessary to reply someone's email or invitation very often, you can even refuse or ignore them directly, especially, someone whom you dislike. If they become angry, please just leave them alone or ignore them, because it is nothing to you!  Do not try to comfort them

Golden Priciple four:
Be not too sensitive to someone's feeling, whom you dislike at all or you want to keep instance to .

If a man who want to have good relationship with you,  is writing some sensitive words to you, you can just ignore it. I mean, it is unnecessary to correct it, otherwise, you would hurt man's self- respect.
What you can do is ignore it,  and do not reply his email.

Golden Principle five:
A man who have good feeling to you, is helpful to you. Therefore, it is unnecessary to hurt them. You can just tell them what you need, when you need their help.   When you do not need them, you can just ignore them instead of hurting them or treating them well.

Man likes a fly, so long as you do not hurt them, they will never mind you to ignore them.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-20 7:56:45编辑过]
发表于 2003-12-23 08:53:00 | 只看该作者
very good!
发表于 2003-12-31 11:45:00 | 只看该作者
this essay is so simply, it's easy to understand, but this teach me a good lesson,i think this  essay  is very  reason. In now society, everybody can command good skills to handle all kinds of relationship  are crucial.
发表于 2006-4-29 10:38:00 | 只看该作者

but even all that concerned, are there any tactics ,i mean,the basic principles whiche can really be taken into effect, in order to interact with  different peoples ?

perhaps basically ,every opinion shall have its own basic.

i will write something in English,for my own experience, should anyone join me with a little passion or interest?


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