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发表于 2005-12-2 15:12:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Yunnan Institute of Development is an International Institute with the purpose of educating Chinese and foreign Development Instructors, who work with Development Projects in China, Africa or India. Yunnan Institute of Development cooperates closely with the International HUMANA People to People Movement and with 18 similar Institutes worldwide. Yunnan Institute of Development also runs Rural Community Development Projects in Yunnan. We now invite dedicated individuals to join this work in the following position: Project Leader for The community Development Project “Child Aid”.


1. To lead and carry out the Program of the Child Aid project – together with Local People in the Project Area and Development Instructors.

2. To assist the Project Coordinator in overseeing staff hiring, development, training and performance management

3. Provide supervision and training to staff and DI’s.

4. To build capacity in the local teams

5. To cooperate with authorities about the implementation of the programmes

6. To plan the implementation, carry out and evaluate the activities.

7. To Provide Field information and make reports

8. Responsible for the Project finance

9. Participate in and lead the Project council meetings.


1. Degree holder in social work or other degree

2. At least 1 years’ work experience in organizational work

3. Mature with good interpersonal and communication skills

4. Committed to serve the underprivileged

5. Able to work independently and to cooperate closely.

6.Fluent in written and spoken Chinese (Putonghua) and English (CET-6 Level or above)

7.Willing to travel and work in challenging physical environment

8. Competent in Chinese Microsoft Office

9. Understanding of the China context

10.Work location: Rural areas, Yuxi Prefecture, Yunnan

Interested parties please send application letter with full CV bothe in English and Chinese, an essay in Chinese around 300 words to describe about your aspiration in the position applied and expected salary toYunnan Institute of Development at email : infocn@volunteerchina.org, marked “application” or fax number 0877-2059539 More information about our organization is available at our website: http://www.volunteerchina.org.

All information provided will only be used for recruitment-related purpose.

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