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第一部分The Time Management Process时间管理流程
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Begin by Tracking Your Time从追踪记录你的时间开始 The only way to improve your time management skills is to learn from – and understand – your current time management habits. This process simply involves carrying around a notepad, and jotting down what you are doing every 15 minutes.
After 1 week, you should have a good and thorough understanding where you are spending your time and where you are wasting it. Do not move onto any other time management strategies until you successfully undertake this step. After 1 week, analyze your time logs and determine where you feel you could be more productive.
Set SMART Goals 设定SMART目标 Once you have a clear understanding of your time management habits, you are now ready to setup the bigger picture by setting and writing down S.M.A.R.T. Goals.
S…pecific Your goals must be very specific in terms of what you would like to accomplish.
M…easurable Your goals must have a time measure, or in other words a date of when they will be accomplished.
A…chievable Your goals must be achievable given the resources you have available to you.
R…ealistic Your goals must be realistic given the time frame you have laid out to accomplish them.
T…imed Your goals must be timed, meaning that they must be broken down into smaller short-term objectives that lead to medium and long-term goals. Through an understanding of the bigger picture you are working towards, you will be better equipped to more effectively manage your time.
Follow Up with Plans of Action按照执行计划进行 Whenever goals are set, a plan of action must immediately follow. Create a quick writeup and general action plan of how you will go about achieving these goals.
Create Task Specific TO DO Lists创建任务特定的TO DO列表 Now take your Plan of Action and convert it into a Master TO DO List of all the things that you must do in order to achieve this bigger picture.
Prioritize Your Tasks Accordingly将你的任务按优先级排序 Now that you have your Master TO DO List written out, the next step is to create a Daily TO DO List where you write down and specify 6 key important tasks that you will do today. As a general rule of thumb you should be spending your time on Important rather than Urgent tasks.
Many of us spend so much time during the day trying to put out fires. We deal with so many low important urgent tasks and activities that keep us busy and moving – then at the end of the day we wonder how in the world we accomplished so little. Step out of this habit trap today and begin focusing on just the important tasks before they become urgent and potentially stress inducing.
Chunk Down Your Tasks By grouping your tasks into similar categories of activities you will become far more productive and time efficient. For instance, make all your telephone calls within a ONE block hour, and respond to all your emails during only specific times of the day. You can also group stationary activities (when you are at your desk) together with other activities that don’t require you to move around your office. Once your “chunk time” is over, simply move onto something else, without making any further telephone calls or writing up emails.
Schedule Blocks of Time to do Tasks When setting tasks, be sure to specify how much time you will be spending on each of these activities. If you do not specify a time, you may become caught up in wasting time on activities that are simply taking up too much time. Every task and activity must be set around a realistic and achievable time frame. Do whatever you can to accomplish this activity within the time frame you have set. And when time has lapsed, immediately move onto something else. Don’t allow perfection to sabotage your success as an efficient and proficient time manager.
Stick to the 80 / 20 Rule The 80 / 20 Rule states that 80% of your efforts will bring about only 20% of the results. On the flip-side, 20% of your efforts will bring about 80% of your results. Knowing this, identify the highest value activities that will have the largest impact on your success at the end of the day, week, month and year. Focus on accomplishing these tasks and activities first, before moving onto the 80% of activities that will only bring about 20% of the result. The 80 / 20 Rule is a large in-depth topic that will become a future Mind Map.
Balance Your Routine Finally, establish a daily, weekly and monthly routine schedule that will keep you moving forward and focusing on your most important goals, tasks and activities. Routines are excellent ways of forming new and empowering habits that will help you become an effective time manager. However, be sure that at all costs you keep your routine balanced personally and professionally.
2.Effective Time Management Strategies有效时间管理的战略
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When it comes to time management, there are some simple strategies that we can apply into our daily routine that will instantly make us more productive and efficient. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
Be Flexible with Your Time Know and understand that the day will rarely go as you had planned. Emergencies will pop up and unexpected events may change your course and direction. You must be prepared for situations like these by creating a “Buffer” system within your schedule. This “Buffer” will allow you time throughout your day to deal with unexpected events and circumstances. However, be very careful not to become lost within these scenarios.
Set a time limit for yourself in respect to how much time you will spend in putting out these fires, and then return back to your most important activities without a second thought. Just keep focusing on the bigger picture and keep moving forward with what is most important in respect to your end result.
Be Inflexible with Setting Time Limits While it is important to be flexible with your schedule and routine, it is however critical that you are inflexible when it comes to setting time limits for specific tasks and activities. Determine how much time you will spend on important activities and stick with them until time has elapsed (unless the activity or task is finished ahead of time of course). By being inflexible with setting your time, you will become more effective and efficient throughout your day.
Organize Yourself Get yourself organized by starting with your thoughts. If you are finding that there is just too much information circulating around your mind at one time, than develop a strategy of writing your thoughts out on paper and clearing your head from all these heavy weights. Once your plans, tasks and ideas are on paper, your head will be much clearer and more organized.
Organize Your Environment Do you waste many precious minutes of your day simply looking for things? If you answered YES, than you know what you must do. Simply organize your files and folders in ways that will make things quick and easy to find at a moments notice.
Another area you should take a look at is your computer and emails. If you are spending too much time browsing through icons, folders and files, trying to look for something that should be easy to find, than you might want to look at rearranging your computer folder system and email management process.
Remember, the initial process of organizing your environment is the easy part. It is the ongoing process of keeping it organized that may be difficult for the unprepared mind. As a simple tip, just follow the rule of putting things away where you found them, or storing things immediately when you receive them. The moment you leave one piece of paper lying around “where it don’t belong”, is the moment when you start to lose control.
Get Organized by Setting Reminders Two simple ways to remind yourself about task and activities is to use Sticky Notes or to carry around a Voice Recorder. Both are proven ways of capturing quick ideas that you can later transfer into your Daily TO DO List.
Identify Bad Habits As you are moving through the process of organizing yourself and your environment, keep a watchful eye on “Time Sapping” habits that may sabotage your progress and success. Identify them and work on strategies to rid yourself of these nasty habits once and for all.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-28 11:44:03编辑过] |
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