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发表于 2003-5-18 11:13:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


barbara apostolou, nicholas g. apostolou

keys to investing in common stocks (barron's 商业丛书)
janet bamford, jeff blyskal, emily card, aileen jacobson, and greg daugherty

the consumer reports money book: how to get it, save it, and spend it wisely (3rd edn)
lynn brenner

building your nest egg with your 401(k): a guide to help you achieve retirement security
samuel case

the first book of investing: the absolute beginner's guide to building wealth safely
david chilton

the wealthy barber
jonathan clements

25 myths you've got to avoid if you want to manage your money right: the new rules for financial success
john downes and jordan elliot goodman

财经投资术语词典 dictionary of finance and investment terms
ric edelman

金钱真理 the truth about money: because money doesn't come with instructions
louis engel

如何买股票 how to buy stocks
david gardner and tom gardner

the motley fool investment workbook
ken kurson

the green magazine guide to personal finance: a no b.s. book for your twenties and thirties
james lowell

investing from scratch: a handbook for the young investor
peter lynch and john rothchild

learn to earn: a beginner's guide to the basics of investing and business 点评:林奇写的通俗读物,巴费特亦推荐子女阅读 中译本《学以致富》 黑龙江人民出版社
kenneth m. morris and alan m. siegel

the wall street journal guide to understanding money and investing
kenneth m. morris and alan m. siegel

the wall street journal guide to understanding personal finance
kenneth m. morris, alan m. siegel, and virginia b. morris

the wall street journal guide to planning your financial future
w. patrick naylor

10 steps to financial success: a beginner's guide to saving and investing
suze orman

the 9 steps to financial freedom
jonathan d. pond

4 easy steps to successful investing
jane bryant quinn

making the most of your money
claude rosenberg

stock market primer
kathleen sindell

investing online for dummies 点评:样书在作者的网站上 http://www.kathleensindell.com/investing.htm
andrew tobias

the only investment guide you'll ever need
eric tyson

investing for dummies
eric tyson and james c. collins

mutual funds for dummies
eric tyson

personal finance for dummies
diane vujovich

10 minute guide to the stock market


ted allrich and william o'neil

the on-line investor: how to find the best stocks using your computer
peter bernstein

against the gods: the remarkable story of risk
peter bernstein

capital ideas: the improbable origins of modern wall street
john c. bogle

bogle on mutual funds
james w. broadfoot

investing in emerging growth stocks
mary buffett and david clark

buffettology: the previously unexplained techniques that have made warren buffett the world's most famous investor 点评:讲巴费特的中文书可能取自此

frank cappiello

new guide to finding the next superstock
charles b. carlson

buying stocks without a broker
samuel case

big profits from small stocks: how to grow your investment portfolio by investing in small cap companies
george s. clason

the richest man in babylon
burton crane

the sophisticated investor
john m. dalton

how the stock market works
nicolas darvas

how i made 2,000,000 in the stock market点评:《我是怎样在股市上赚了200万》,有吸引力的书名

william donoghue

mutual fund superstars
david n. dreman

contrarian investment strategies: the next generation
stephen eckett

investing online: dealing in global markets on the internet点评:《在线投资》,与internet有关

kenneth fisher

super stocks
norman g. fosback

stock market logic 点评:abi绝对广量指标、pvi正量指标等来自此书

david gardner and tom gardner

the motley fool investment guide: how the fool beats wall street's wise men and how you can too 点评:《傻瓜是如何赢了华尔街聪明人并且你也能做到》,有趣的书名

david gardner and tom gardner

you have more than you think: the motley fool guide to investing what you have
gary gastineau

the stock options manual
michael gianturco

how to buy technology stocks
benjamin graham and warren e. buffett

the intelligent investor: a book of practical counsel
christopher graja and elizabeth ungar

investing in small-cap stocks
c. colburn hardy

the fact$ of life 点评:我读过 facts of life 中译本《走向成功之路-个人投资理财经验谈》上海人民出版社 作者与此不同

investor's business daily

investor's business daily guide to the markets
harvey c. knowles and damon h. petty

the dividend investor
robert lichello

how to make $1,000,000 in the stock market - automatically
jeffrey b. little and lucien rhodes

understanding wall street
gerald m. loeb

the battle for investment survival
peter lynch and john rothchild

beating the street 点评:中译本《战胜华尔街》广东出版

peter lynch and john rothchild

one up on wall street 点评:中译本《在华尔街崛起》出版时间较早

geoffrey a. moore, paul johnson, and tom kippola

the gorilla game: an investor's guide to picking winners in high technology
william j. o'neil

how to make money in stocks: a winning system in good times or bad
james o'shaughnessy

how to retire rich: time-tested strategies to beat the market and retire in style
james p. o'shaughnessy

invest like the best: using your computer to unlock the secrets of the top money managers
james p. o'shaughnessy

what works on wall street: a guide to the best-performing investment strategies of all time
carl h. reinhardt, alan b. werba, and john j. bowen

the prudent investor's guide to beating the market
hildy richelson and stan richelson

straight talk about bonds and bond funds
l. louis rukeyser

how to make money in the stock market
terry savage

new money strategies for the 1990's
charles schwab

how to be your own stockbroker
dhun h. sethna and william o'neil

investing smart: how to pick winning stocks with investor's business daily
robert sheard

the unemotional investor: simple systems for beating the market
jeremy j. siegel

stocks for the long run
john a. tracy

how to read a financial report
john train

new money masters
venita vancaspel

money dynamics for the 1990s
john g. wells

kiss your stockbroker goodbye: a guide to independent investing 点评:《跟你的经纪人吻别》,有趣的书名,他们正开始独立投资的潮流

martin e. zweig and morrie goldfischer

martin zweig's winning on wall street (revised and updated) 点评:zweig发明了不少技术分析指标,如bti广量冲力指标


steven b. achelis

technical analysis from a to z

nicholas g. apostolou

keys to investing in options and futures
robert c. beckman

elliott wave explained: a real-world guide to predicting and profiting from market turns
jake bernstein

the compleat day trader: trading systems, strategies, timing indicators, and analytical methods
peter bernstein (ed.)

the portable mba in investment
tushar s. chande and stanley kroll

the new technical trader: boost your profit by plugging into the latest indicators
robert w. colby and thomas a. meyers

encyclopedia of technical market indicators
john c. cox and mark rubenstein

options markets
thomas r. demark

new market timing techniques: innovative studies in market rhythm and price exhaustion
mark douglas

the disciplined trader
robert d. edwards and john magee

technical analysis of stock trends 点评:讲形态分析,图表很多,值得一读 中译本《股市趋势技术分析》东方出版社1996

alexander elder

trading for a living: psychology, trading tactics, money management
marc friedfertig and george west

the electronic day trader
benjamin graham and david l. dodd

security analysis
william greider

secrets of the temple: how the federal reserve runs the country
john c. hull

options, futures, and other derivatives
jonathan e. ingersoll

theory of financial decision making
r. a. jarrow

modelling fixed income securities and interest rate options
william l. jiler

how charts can help you in the stock market
charles lebeau and david w. lucas

technical traders guide to computer analysis of the futures market
michael b. lehmann

the irwin guide to using the wall street journal 憨头评:没有了
john f. magee

analyzing bar charts for profit
burton malkiel

a random walk down wall street 点评:很久以前读过此书,内容有意思 中译本《漫步华尔街》 万国证券译 上海翻译出版公司1991年出版

lawrence g. mcmillan

options as a strategic investment
robert merton

continuous time finance
john j. murphy

technical analysis of the futures markets点评:技术分析经典 有中译本墨菲《期货市场技术分析》和台湾陈明智编译 《股价(期货)分析预测学》教育科学出版社 下本是本书学习指南

john j. murphy

study guide for technical analysis of the futures markets: a self-training manual
sheldon natenberg

option volatility and pricing: advanced trading strategies and techniques
robert pardo

design, testing, and optimization of trading systems
robert r. prechter and a. j. frost

elliott wave principle 点评:波浪理论经典,prechter常用波浪理论分析中国股市

r. r. prechter and r. p. prechter

r.n. elliott's masterworks: the definitive collection
martin j. pring

martin pring's introduction to technical analysis
martin j. pring

technical analysis explained
peter ritchken

options: theory, strategy, and applications
robert p. rotella

the elements of successful trading
william f. sharpe, gordon j. alexander, and jeffery v. bailey

clifford sherry

the mathematics of technical analysis
victor sperandeo

trader vic ii : principles of professional speculation
robert a. taggart

quantitative analysis for investment management
nassim taleb

dynamic hedging: managing vanilla and exotic options
stan weinstein

stan weinstein's secrets for profiting in bull and bear markets


po bronson

connie bruck

the predators' ball: the inside story of drexel burnham and the rise of the junk bond raiders
bryan burrough and john helyar

barbarians at the gate: the fall of rjr nabisco
daniel fischel

payback: the conspiracy to destroy michael milken and his financial revolution
edwin lefevre

reminiscences of a stock operator
michael lewis

liar's poker: rising through the wreckage on wall street
charles mackay, josef de la vega, and martin s. fridson

extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds and confusion de confusiones
victor niederhoffer

the education of a speculator
jim rogers

investment biker: around the world with jim rogers 点评:罗杰斯环游世界游记 有中译本,中证报上曾连载

james b. stewart

den of thieves
发表于 2011-1-23 20:36:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-1-29 22:31:00 | 只看该作者



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