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发表于 2006-8-29 15:49:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


本 文是Karine Schomer博士的一篇文章,比较了美国商业文化与印度商业文化的几个重要差别,其实对于我们中国人也是非常有借鉴意义的,里面的“印度”都完全可以换 成“中国”。当然即便是不是直接提到中国,也对中国商人有参考价值,毕竟无论印度人也好美国人也罢都是中国的交易对象。(请见全文)


作为美国外购最重要的热点之一,而且在海外的技术与商务服务的外部采办发挥 作用的今天,印度在商务文化差异方面是一个非常重要的案例值得学习。经过数年对美国人与印度人合作工作的团队的跟踪研究讨论,我发现重复出现的事件题材都 指向了在观念上,价值观上存在的跨文化差异,这些都影响着商务活动。











美 国式的交流是非常直接、坦诚的,而不关心保全对方面子或者避免争论。他们希望每个问题都是清楚地回答“是”或者“不是”,意见不同可以公开地直接地讨论, 使用的是“说这样就是这样”的态度。印度人或者来自其它文化的人们倾向于避免争论以及丢面子,所以他们很难说拒绝以至不能有效地与美国伙伴解决争议。

不管你是班格洛尔地毯(印度) 的程序员还是桑尼维尔(美国)的一句项目经理,文化差异意识与有效地规避的能力是非常重要复杂的一项技能。每个人都以为自己的行事方法不言而喻地在别人身上也是如此。



英文原文由Karine Schomer博士发表于:http://www.sourcingmag.com/content/c060814a.asp
Culture Matters: 5 Challenges India Offshore Teams Face in Working with Americans

By Karine Schomer

As the foremost "hot spot" for America's offshoring and offshore outsourcing of technology and business services functions today, India presents an important case study of differences in business culture. In the course of years of giving seminars to both American and Indian teams working together, I have found recurring themes and incidents that point to underlying cross-cultural differences in mindset, values and approach to business interactions.

Once you get past the more obvious mutual adjustment issues of time zones, logistics, work and holiday schedules, accents, names and language (American vs. Indian English), there are five elements of American business culture that pose special challenges for Indian teams interacting with their American counterparts -- whether in the ITO, BPO or call center environment.

--> 1. Mindset about Management Hierarchy

In American business culture, rank and title aren't as important as they are in India. Hierarchical forms of behavior are frowned upon. The expectation is that subordinates will speak up, offer suggestions, push back and take initiative rather than just do what they're told. Decisions tend to be less top-down, authority is more delegated, and managers expect team members to take responsibility and assume ownership of results.

--> 2. Attitudes Towards Appointments and Deadlines

For Americans, strict adherence to time commitments is seen as a basic principle of professionalism and courteous behavior. Because everything tends to be strictly scheduled, delays in one appointment or deadline can have a serious ripple effect on a colleague or customer's other work commitments. The more flexible and open-ended approach to time of Indian business culture can create tensions and unfavorable impressions on American counterparts.

--> 3. Meaning of Agreements and Commitments

Americans have a preference for clear, detailed agreements and are uneasy with vague expressions of general commitment. In business interactions, commitments are taken literally and seriously. Failure to follow through on them precisely is viewed as a sign that a person isn't trustworthy. Indian business culture tends to view agreements more flexibly as intentions and guidelines for future action.

--> 4. Results vs. Process Orientation

In Indian business culture, following the rules and implementing correct processes is highly valued, but in American business culture, it's all about results. There is impatience with individuals who come across as more concerned with following established processes correctly than with achieving the desired goal. Americans don't like to be told all the procedural reasons why something can't be or hasn't been done.

--> 5. Directness -- Especially in Addressing Disagreements

The American style of communication is characteristically direct, candid and relatively unconcerned with face-saving or the avoidance of conflict. The expectation is that questions will get answered with a clear "yes" or "no," and that disagreements will be dealt with openly and straightforwardly, in a "tell it like it is" manner. Indians and people from other cultures that tend to avoid conflict and loss of face often find it hard to say "no" or raise problematic issues effectively with their American counterparts.

Cultural awareness and the ability to adapt effectively to another culture's way of doing things are complex skills -- whether you're a programmer in Bangalore or a project leader in Sunnyvale. Everyone tends to take their own cultural ways of doing things for granted and to assume they are self-evident to others.

In recent years, American companies offshoring or outsourcing to India have shown growing awareness of the hidden costs of cross-cultural mismatches in work-related behaviors. They have been willing to invest in general and region-specific cross-cultural training for their onshore employees and those who are asked to travel to India. They have also learned to devise process accommodations to circumvent the negative effects of certain cultural tendencies in their offshore teams.

What these companies seldom undertake to address directly is the need to seriously educate their offshore teams in the fundamentals of American business culture -- the attitudes, thought patterns and behavior norms that Americans expect. They're missing a golden opportunity to improve the productivity and experience of their onshore-offshore teams.

发表于 2006-8-30 19:21:54 | 只看该作者

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