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发表于 2003-12-31 10:15:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Considering our ancestor's behaviours and words as well as analyzing the cause of their deeds, we might find the facts that as the old saying goes, wine and jugement mature with age.

We are trying to sophisticate ourselves while young, but, majority of us fail to get what we have been pursuiting.

We try targeting our lives and organizing the everything including our love, but, what on earth we get ultimately. Even if we obtain what we hope, how can we ensure that it is deed we need.

As a result of these human's worries,  there are only one way which allows us to do that is adjusting our targets timely in terms of public saying

As for me, personally, I would rather belive that I am doing the right things, also, I will be confident that I am keeping on doing the right things. Why not attempt to try to trust ourselves?

We look at from the past to nowadays, significant chapters of histories are written by those who can build their sense of values and ambitions stablely.

We are small and common in the world. The only thing which we can do is to think and consider what we can do within our capabilities. How disappinted to myself due to the limited abilities, I indeed want to shout and hope my voice could reach the roof of the sky and could be heard by the entire world.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-31 10:50:52编辑过]

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