
[读书评论] [原创]读后感之Mergers & Acquisitions

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发表于 2009-11-9 12:05:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

  >Mergers & Acquisitions

  作者: Dana Vachon

  isbn: 1594489343

  书名: Mergers & Acquisitions

  页数: 290

  定价: USD 23.95

  出版社: Riverhead Hardcover

  装帧: Hardcover

  出版年: 2007-04-05 (书籍信息来自豆瓣)

  Mergers & Acquisitions: a book review   Finally, I'm done with this novel by Dana Vachon: Merger & Acquisition.

  This 290-page book spend about 10 pages on actuall things happened in this virtual IBank, J.S.Spencer, and used the other 280 pages describing clubs, women, sex and S&M, wine, elite schools, conference in five-star hotels, weeds, suicide, modern-bullsh*t-art-I-don't-know, etc, etc...

  After all, I concluded that: girls, 1) don't marry an I-Banker, cuz if he didn't die in his office at the age of 29, he will have multiple sex-companions you don't know; 2) don't be an I-Banker even if you are very very smart, since you will be working 120+ hours per week, drink alcohol--and so does your driver.

  Some other conclusions are: 3) some bullsh*t-modern artists are just bullsh*t, no matter how popular they are. They are just bullsh*t. 4) If you are in a pirate-theme masquerade on a luxury ship on the Pacific ocean near Latin America, it's very likely that you will meet the Zapatistas, where you may have the chance to kill someone with a bottle of 10-thousand-dollar wine.

  Anyway, this is a fun--should I say, funny--book about the so-called elite lives. The writer of Sex and the City commented at the back page of this book that "it will win lots of fans for the writer." Just don't expect you'll learn the real M&A or Wall St. from this book. Just don't. Because it's not about the serious business. It's just not.

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