
[原创]Benton County Coroner Rick Corson has asked

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发表于 2009-8-27 21:51:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A 5- to 6-foot wave created by a landslide on Spokane Tribe land across the  Spokane River from a Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area campground destroyed a dock at a public boat launch.
The slide occurred about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday across from the Porcupine Bay Campground and launch, said zdzp090827 Deputy Brad Sweet of the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
The wave destroyed some personal watercraft and the dock as it slammed into the shore, Sweet said. No injuries were reported. The campground is maintained by the National Park Service.
Two Montana residents were injured Tuesday afternoon after getting out of their vehicle on Interstate 90 to secure a load, just inside Lincoln County.
John Kehler, 64, and Linda Kehler, 62, were westbound on the highway in a 2005 Chevy Tahoe when they pulled to the shoulder and got out, the Washington State Patrol said.
A westbound 1993 Ford Escort driven by Anastasis Hadjiantonis, 46, of Spokane, attempted to change lanes and struck a westbound car on the freeway, driven by Robert G. Dew, 21, of Lind, Wash. The Escort overcorrected and struck the Tahoe, sending it crashing into the Kehlers, WSP said.
John Kehler was in serious condition at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, and Linda Kehler was in satisfactory condition, a nursing supervisor said.
The other drivers were not injured. The crash was under investigation.
A robber stole OxyContin from a South Hill Shopko on Monday.
A white man described as “scruffy” but with no facial hair handed the pharmacist a note demanding the prescription painkiller about 8 p.m., Spokane police said.
Employees didn’t see a gun, but the man kept one hand in a pocket, “which pretty much alarms any pharmacist with some good sense,” Officer Tim Moses said. Police searched the area around the store at 4515 S. Regal St. with a police dog but didn’t find a suspect.
Witnesses said the robber wore a black baseball cap, black T-shirt and jeans and had black hair that may have been a wig, Moses said. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Check at (509) 456-2233.
RICHLAND – Benton County Coroner Rick Corson has asked a forensic anthropologist to help determine the age and origin of a bone found in the Columbia River.
The lower jaw and two teeth were found by a boater Saturday in a  couple of inches of water on the shore north of Richland. The bones are being sent to the Department of Archaeological and Historic Preservation in Olympia.
In 1996 a prehistoric skeleton known as Kennewick Man was found in the Columbia near Kennewick.

发表于 2009-8-31 16:09:50 | 只看该作者


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