
[转帖]Mind Mapping Software

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发表于 2005-3-23 00:23:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Mind Mapping Software

Graphic Organizer - http://www.graphic.org Graphic Organizer includes extensive links about the concept of mind-mapping and organizing information graphically. Offers consulting services in the areas of technology and strategic planning. MindMan, the Creative MindManager - http://www.mindjet.com/ A visualization and organizational tool that increases your productivity and creativity. With MindMan you can visualize your most powerful ideas without having to fit them into linear structures and lists. English/Deutsch. FreeMind - http://freemind.sourceforge.net Open-source, Java mind mapping tool. Features downloads, screen shots, license, essays and project information. ConceptDraw - http://www.conceptdraw.com/en/ Offers Mindmap, which will organize, generate and present ideas in a simple, visual way. Available for Macintosh and Windows in English, German and French. Features a demo, news and support. Mind Graph - http://www.mind-graph.net/mind-graph.htm Explore a graphic technique for problem solving for math, computer programming, note-taking, mind mapping, and brainstorming. Includes examples, a free ebook, and Visio stencils. MindGenius - http://www.mindgenius.com/ Produces software for mind mapping and creativity. Offers a fully functional trial version, a description of the software, and contact details for the company. Buzan Centres - http://www.mind-map.com/ Structures networks and cooperative partnerships for the global distribution of Buzan BrainFriendly processes and products. Features articles, FAQ, news and a newsletter. MindMapper - http://www.mindmapperusa.com/ Software for outlining ideas, pictures and sounds and placing them into logical sequence. Features product overview, news and pricing and ordering information. BrainStorm - http://www.brainstormsw.com Offers a Windows shareware textual mind mapping tool. Features a FAQ and general information about the software, as well as tips for users. Map Your Mind - http://www.mapyourmind.com Increase the effectiveness of your brain. Features books, software, ideas and tools to be more creative. Mindmapping Resource Center - InnovationTools - http://www.innovationtools.com/resources/mindmapping.asp This Mindmapping Resource Center, part of the InnovationTools Web site, gathers resources on the Web on how to create mind maps, how they can be used, and software that you can use to create mindmaps. M-Urge - http://www.murge.com/ The UK home of MindManagerSmart, the official Mind Mapping software that lets you create mind maps easily on Windows based computers. Formerly known as eMindMaps. CoCo Systems Ltd. - http://www.visimap.com/ Developer of VisiMap Professional 4.0. Offers a creativity- and productivity-enhancing tool for Microsoft Windows that graphically records, structures and clarifies thoughts and ideas so they can be used, reused and communicated. Features a free download and trial. Visual Mind - http://www.visual-mind.com Software that let you do mind mapping on your computer. Mind mapping is an effective technique for note taking, brainstorming, planning, and organization. Mindsystems (Teamlink Australia) - http://www.mindsystems.com.au Specialises in Information and Knowledge Management. In particular Mind Mapping and MindManager software. Distributors of MindManager software for Australia and New Zealand MindManuals.com - http://www.mindmanuals.com Software for flushing out ideas and concepts. Features product overview, technical details, testimonials, and purchase information. Spark-Space - http://www.spark-space.com Spark-Space is an idea mapping tool. This site provides product information, support and allows you to purchase Spark-Space. Mind Manager Review - http://www.iaresearch.com/store/Products/MindManager/MindManagerX5.htm A review of Mind Manager 4.0, a tool that uses the mind-mapping metaphor for generating ideas. Grokker - http://www.groxis.com/cgi-bin/grok/ Grokker quickly converts data, documents, records, and search results into contextually relevant, graphical knowledge maps. AWS Training - http://www.aws.com.sg/ Provides consulting and training services, as well as creative thinking workshops and training sessions. Features articles and company profile World Wide Brain Club - http://www.silkwood.co.uk/ Information on mental literacy, mindmaps and the work of Tony Buzan. SoftNeuron - http://abonasoft.netfirms.com/softNeuronEn.html Mindmapping software for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. How To Make A Complete Map Of Every Thought You Think - http://speakeasy.org/~lion/nb/ Online book describing a note-keeping system utilizing maps, lists of thoughts, strategy and reams of paper. Features support materials and links. Expanding Paradigms - http://expandingparadigms.com/Expanding-Paradigms-Mind-Mapping.htm Offers workshops that are experiential and involve the audience in the creation of a group mind map, as well as practicing and creating individual mind maps for a variety of specialized tasks. Features program topics, sample mind maps and contact information. Thai Mind Mapper - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thaimindmapper/ Discussion group for those who create Mind Mapping in the Thai language to communicate and share ideas and experiences. Requires free registration. Avant4u - the mind mapping software company - http://www.avant4u.com MindChart from Avant4u is an electronic brainstorming product and inspiration software to train your cognitive thinking and to create mind maps. Mind Maps - http://www.peterussell.com/mindmaps/mindmap.html Mind maps were developed in the late 60s by Tony Buzan as a way of helping students make notes that used only key words and images. They are much quicker to make, and because of their visual quality much easier to remember and review. MindManager, business planning, communication, project management - http://www.mynds-i.com Easy-to-use Project Management software including Mindmanager with a visual interface for effective planning, clear communication and efficient management Mind Manager Software - http://www.webland.ca/MindManager/index.html Webland Mind Manager Software from Mindjet provides seemless brainstorming, digital whiteboardinng and integration with powerpoint, word, excel and microsoft project.

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