
[组织变革] [原创]Weighted Average Lead Time (WALT) ( Days )

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发表于 2010-12-9 11:36:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Weighted Average Lead Time (WALT) ( Days )


Let's see if I can still calculate WALT correctly. It's been a while.

1. In Excel make column heading- Item #, lead time (days), Std Cost, Est Annual Usage,Est Annual $, Lead Time X Est Annual $.

2. List all of your SKUs under "Item #" and populate the next 3 colums with respective data from your information system or records.

3. Find your estimated annual $ (spend) by multiplying "estimated annual usage" X "Std Cost".

4. Find LT (lead time) X "Est Annual $" by multiplying those fields.

5. At the bottom of your worksheet, sum "Est Annual $" and "LT X EA $".

6. Divide "LT X EA $" by "Est Annual $" to find your WALT in days.

If anyone sees an adjustment to the logic/ math that needs to be made, please jump in. I'm 98% sure this is the correct way to calculate the WALT. I've nver calcualted WAPT, but I would assume same logic, different variables. Let me know if trhis helps!


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