
the Rose

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发表于 2007-12-8 22:19:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
some say love
it is a river that drowns the tender reed
some say love
it is a razor that le***es your soul to bleed
some say love
it is a hunger an endless aching need
I say love
it is a rose that hurts your heart breaking
the rose is like a dream
we never want to wake from a hug,a kiss
even your soul is bleeding,your heart is always afraid of waking
because someone believes
you are the seed of the rose, the source of the dream
i say love
it is a drug that make you be a addict
the drug is just a pill
you can't kick it after the first time you depend on it
even you know it is a poison
because someone believes
the way to stay in your heart is only to be a addict
lie the seed in spring we can see the rose next year
hold the rose in your hands and never give up
the pain make you strong
and you gain someone's love
dream will come true
as long as you h***e it
I hold the rose and also your heart
find the way to go
in or out
it's so difficult to chose
because I h***e be used to
standing with you
making a phonecall
even h***e *** with you
forgive me to write this

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