
[求助]可否分享电子版本的《Becoming lean : inside stories of U.S. manufacturer

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发表于 2007-8-14 11:36:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
可否分享电子版本的《Becoming lean : inside stories of U.S. manufacturers
发表于 2007-8-14 12:46:39 | 只看该作者

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    The lean revolution is here. And while you may understand that this revolution is a profound shift away from the traditions of mass production, the concept still causes many people to scratch their head and ask, "what exactly is lean manufacturing?" Lean is much more than techniques. It is a way of thinking-a whole-systems approach that creates a culture in which everyone in the organization continuously improves their processes and production. Yet even for those organizations that have come to understand the power of lean, it may be a lost opportunity if they lack the knowledge to implement its powerful concepts. Or, receiving only a piece of the puzzle, they end up falling far short of lean's potential benefits. Not surprisingly, implementing lean manufacturing has proved a challenge for many U.S. companies. But organizations have succeeded, and now you have a unique opportunity to benefit from their experience. In Becoming Lean, Jeffrey Liker has compiled a collection of stories from today's manufacturers already on the front line of the lean revolution. It is the first book to include powerful first-hand accounts from a varied group of leading manufacturers, many who tell their stories here for the first time. Benefit from these pioneers as they tell you in their own words about the complete process of change, its impact on the entire organization, and the rewards and benefits of lean management. In this book you will find the inside stories from CEO's, consultants and plant managers from a variety of industries. These revealing accounts will bring everyone from top management to front-line employees up to speed on the principles and techniques they need to become lean, the obstacles they might encounter, and what it takes to overcome them. This book gives you the raw numbers, as well as the necessary ingredients for becoming lean in the U.S. As you read through the stories of these manufacturing leaders, examine their implementation processes to see what worked, what didn't, and why. The book will take you on an inside journey to the heart of lean's philosophy, techniques, and application. When you're finished reading this book you'll no longer be confused about the meaning of lean.

1. Introduction: bringing lean back to the U.S.A.
2. Bringing the Toyota Production System to the United States: a personal perspective
3. Japanese education and its role in Kaizen
4. Lean manufacturing practices at small and medium sized U.S. parts suppliers-does it work?
5. Transforming a plant to lean in a large, traditional company: Delphi Saginaw Steering Systems, GM
6. Making leather leaner: the garden state tanning story
7. The successes and failures of implementing continuous improvement programs: cases of seven automotive parts suppliers
8. Lean production-the challenge of multidimensional change

发表于 2007-8-14 12:52:23 | 只看该作者

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