
北京猎头招聘: Intermediate/Senior Linux Software 2人

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发表于 2006-7-15 10:22:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
JD:                                                                                           Responsibilities:
Design, develop, and maintain software for Anchiva's network security products. Projects include CLI device management, building a highly scalable configuration system, building an interface for external device management, intra-device configuration sharing and defining and implementing the associated APIs. In this position you will design, develop and maintain embedded software that monitors and manages network security modules(Routing, Firewall, VPN, AntiVirus, AntiSpam, WebFilter, IPS, etc.). The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills, embedded development experience in a UNIX/C environment, knowledge of control systems and a passion to develop high quality products in a fast paced, team oriented environment.
a.. BS/MS Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or equivalent
b.. 2-5 years industry experience developing C/C++ (C preferred)
c.. Previous experience designing and developing configuration management systems
d.. Strong C/UNIX programming
e.. Excellent communication skills
f.. Knowledge of the following UNIX technologies: process management, event driven programming and interprocess communication

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