
Product Engineering Manager & Operation/Production Manager

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发表于 2005-5-20 00:22:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The company is a leading provider of global, end-to-end AC and DC-based back-up power products and services and provides protection against many of the primary causes of data loss, hardware damage and downtime. Location:厦门 Positionroduct Engineering Manager Functions: 1.Leads the platform team and drives them to achieve their key performance goals 2.Creates his team's key performance goals/targets 3.Provides timely feedback to management and all concerned on his engineer's various activities/issues 4.Ensures effective performance of his team's primary and secondary functions 5.Continuously drives in analyzing and formulating solutions to reduce/improve DPUs 6.Actively participates in product transitions and discussions and ensuring that all electrical/electronic parts-related issues affecting product transitions are resolved prior to release to manufacturing 6. Review/Generates ECO (Engineering Change Order) for design, process and parts confirmation 7.Provides technical support to production in preventing/resolving material and/or process-related defects 8.Participate on new product development teams to create test philosophies, specifications, and procedures. 9.Interprets KPI results and measure team preformance level 10.Work with continuous improvement teams to update software/hardware for improved product quality 11. Ensures that corrective actions are assigned and accomplished for every issue raised in the factory and field. Position:Operation/Production Manager Functions: 1. Responsible for production control and production planning. 2. Responsible for production management: daily production output, production line 3. efficiency, quality of product, delivery, housekeeping and production line discipline. 3. Responsible for manpower planning. 4. Work with HR department on training, certification and de-certification procedures. 5. Responsible for capacity planning 6. Responsible for all production equipments, fixtures and tools maintenance (include Test Equipment) 7. Responsible for emergency preparedness and response action, chemical management and obeying other relevant environment protection requirement of the company. 8. Participate together with HR on interview, recruitment, staffing and training of new hire. 10. Accountable for departmental budget, control and performance. Other Duties: 1. EIT promotion 2. TPM promotion 3. Daily PMT meeting management 4. Any other duties may be assigned by G.M.

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