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发表于 2005-2-22 23:26:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




What is FIMR?

FIMR is the abbreviation for center for finance investment management & research. FIMR.org is a website based in China, and the contents it provided are all about Chinese economic and financial issues, including news, commentary and research papers, etc. In addition, the site provides online and offline communication tools as well as some other useful online resources for its users. Visitors of the site can learn professional knowledge on finance and connect to other financial professionals throughout the world immediately. Registered user can also find business opportunities through the online deal markets in different forms. The site is an open, cooperative and professional public service platform. Some members also publish their own opinions or research papers on the platform. The Strategy

Our strategy is to make the site to be the leading online platform for those financial professionals in Chinese world in the forms of communication center, knowledge center, resource center and career development center.

Who use FIMR.org?

Most of these users are from securities firms, fund management companies, commercial banks, investment consulting firms, etc. They are well-educated, young, passionate and innovative. Another part of those users are CEO, CFO or finance managers of small growing business. Till Sep. 15 2004, the number of registered users has exceeded 1900 and still growth in a steady rate.

Why is FIMR different?

Opinion Instead of presenting facts in yet another way, FIMR focuses on what consequences these facts may have. This automatically changes focus from the present to the immediate future. Open Everybody is invited to contribute on FIMR. Free Usage of FIMR is free of charge and we aim to keep it free. Easy Usage of FIMR is very easy. Interactive All users can rate contributions and write reactions. Independent FIMR is independent, not because FIMR´s opinion is independent (each and everybody has a personal and biased perspective, there is no single objective view) but because it allows for all opinions to be heard.

发表于 2005-3-9 11:05:27 | 只看该作者

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