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发表于 2015-3-12 10:33:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
216 One WhereJoey Moves Out
[Scene: Chandler and Joey'sapartment. Chandler and Joey are sitting at the bar, in their bathrobes, eatingcereal]

JOEY: Man this is weird. You everrealize Captain Crunch's eyebrows are actually on his hat?

CHANDLER: That's what's weird? Joey,the man's been captain of a cereal for the last 40 years.

[Joey finishes his cereal, licks his spoon, and puts it back in the silverwaredrawer.]

CHANDLER: Waaa-aaah.

JOEY: What?

CHANDLER: The spoon. You lickedand-and you put. You licked and you put.

JOEY: Yeah, so.

CHANDLER: Well don't you see howgross that is? I mean that's like you using my toothbrush. [Joey gets asheepish look] You used my toothbrush?

JOEY: Well, that was only 'cause Iused the red one to unclog the drain.

CHANDLER: Mine is the red one! OhGod. Can open, worms everywhere.

JOEY: Hey, why can't we use the sametoothbrush, but we can use the same soap?

CHANDLER: Because soap is soap. It'sself-cleaning.

JOEY: Alright, well next time youtake a shower, think about the last thing I wash and the first thing you wash.


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Phoebe are sitting at thetable, Joey and Chandler enter.]



JOEY: Hey.

PHOEBE: Ooh, look at you fancy lads.What's the occasion?

JOEY: Well, you know that guy that'son my show that's in a coma? He's havin' a brunch.


RACHEL: [enters from her room] OK,ready when you are.

PHOEBE: Okey-doke.

MONICA: I can't believe you guys areactually getting tattoos.

CHANDLER: Excuse me, you guys aregetting tattoos?

RACHEL: Yes, but you can not tellRoss 'cause I want to surprise him.

JOEY: Wow, this is wild. What're yougonna get?

PHOEBE: Um, I'm getting a lily formy Mom. 'Cause her name's Lily.

CHANDLER: Wow, that's lucky. What ifher name was Big Ugly Splotch?

JOEY: So where you gettin' it?

PHOEBE: I think on my shoulder.[Ross enters]

ROSS: What? What's on your shoulder?

PHOEBE: Um, a chip. A tattoo, I'mgetting a tattoo.

ROSS: A tattoo? Why, why would youwant to do that? [to Rachel] Hi.

RACHEL: Hi. Well hey, you don't -you don't think they're kind of cool?

ROSS: No, sorry I don't. Tell me whywould anyone pay someone to scar their body for life? What if it doesn't comeout right Phoebe? Then it's like, I don't know, havin' a bad hair cut all thetime. Why's everyone staring at me?

MONICA: Ross, come sign thisbirthday card for dad. Rich is gonna be here any minute.

CHANDLER: Oooh, Rich is goin' to theparty too, huh?

MONICA: Well, he's my parents' bestfriend, he has to be there.

JOEY: Oh, is today the day you'regonna tell them about you two?

MONICA: Yeah. It's my dad'sbirthday, I decided to give him a stroke.

PHOEBE: No, I think you should tellthem.

MONICA: No, I don't even know howserious he is about me. Until I do, I'm not telling them anything.

ROSS: I don't know, I don't thinkmom and dad would mind. Remember when you were 9 and Richard was 30, how dadused to say, 'God I hope they get together.'

[Scene: The Gellers' house. Monica, Ross, and Richard are arriving to Mr.Gellers birthday party.]

ROSS: Alright, shall we?

MONICA: OK, wait, wait, wait, wait.You know what? Ross, let's - let's switch places. You get in the middle. Noun-, ya know, unless this looks like we're trying to cover something up.

ROSS: Monica, Monica, you could comein straddling him, they still wouldn't believe it. [opens door] We're here.

MRS. GELLER: Oh hi kids. Hi darling.

MONICA: Happy birthday dad.

MR. GELLER: Oh thank you.

ROSS: Hi ma.

RICHARD: Happy birthday.

MRS. GELLER: Well, you kids thank Dr. Burke for the ride?

ROSS: Uh, actually mom, I thinkMonica thanked him for the both of us.

[Scene: The Gellers' kitchen. Monica, Mrs. Geller and one of Mrs. Geller'sfriends are preparing the cake.]

FRIEND: Well, you kids take the train in?

MRS. GELLER: No, Richard Burke gave them a ride.

FRIEND: Oh. Speaking of whom, I hear he's got some 20-year-old twinkie in thecity. [Monica sprays whipped cream all over the place]

MONICA: Finger cramp. Oh God, sorry.Here, let me get that mom.

MRS. GELLER: Sooo, Richard's shopping in the junior section.

MONICA: Are we still on that?

MRS. GELLER: We just know she's got the IQ of a napkin.

FRIEND: She's probably not even very pretty, just young enough so thateverything is still pointing up. [Monica folds her arms over her breasts]

[Scene: Joey's co-star's apartment. Chandler and Joey are at the brunch.]

JOEY: Can you believe this place?

CHANDLER: I know, this is a greatapartment.

JOEY: Ah, I was just in thebathroom, and there's mirrors on both sides of you. So when you're in thereit's like you're peein' with the Rockettes.

CHANDLER: Wow, there's my fantasycome true. No, seriously.


JOEY: Hey! We were just sayin',great apartment man.

JOEY'S CO-STAR: Thanks. You want it?

JOEY: Huh?

JOEY'S CO-STAR: Yeah, I'm movin' to a bigger place. You should definitely takethis one.

JOEY: Yeah, can you see me in aplace like this?

JOEY'S CO-STAR: Why not? You hate park views and high ceilings? C'mon I'll showyou the kitchen.

CHANDLER: [being left behind] Ohthat's all right fellas, I saw a kitchen this morning - on TV. Stop talking.OK.

[Scene: Mr. Geller's party. Mr. Geller and a friend are questioning Richardwhile Ross observes.]

MR. GELLER: C'mon, tell us.

FRIEND: Yeah, is she really 20.

RICHARD: I am not telling you guys anything.

MR. GELLER: C'mon Rich, it's my birthday, let me live vicariously.

ROSS: Dad, you really don't want todo that.

MR. GELLER: Ahh, what's a little mid-life crisis between friends?

RICHARD: Jack, would you let it go?

MR. GELLER: Look, I know what you're going through. When I turned 50 I got thePorsche. You... you got your own little speedster.

RICHARD: Guys. Seriously, it is not like that.

MR. GELLER: Tell you what, maybe one of these weekends you can borrow the carand I cou. . .

ROSS: Dad, I beg you not to finishthat sentence.

MR. GELLER: What? I'm kidding. You know I'd never let him touch the Porsche.

[Scene: Tattoo parlor. Phoebe and Rachel are deciding on tattoos.]

PHOEBE: OK Rach, which, which lily?This lily or that lily?

RACHEL: Well I. . .

PHOEBE: I like this lily. It's moreopen, ya know, and that's like my mom. She had a more open, giving spirit. Ooh,Foghorn Leghorn, ooh.

TATTOO ARTIST: Alright, blonde girl, you're in room two, not so blonde girl,you're with me.

PHOEBE: Here we go.

RACHEL: [reluctantly] Uh-huh.

PHOEBE: You're not going?

RACHEL: Uh-huh.

PHOEBE: What? Is it - is this 'causeof what Ross said?

RACHEL: No. Well, yeah, maybe.

PHOEBE: I don't believe this. Isthis how this relationship's gonna work? Ross equals boss. I mean, c'mon whatis this, 1922?

RACHEL: What's 1922?

PHOEBE: Just, you know, long timeago. Well, when men used to tell women what to do - a lot. And then there wassuffrage, which is a good thing but is sounds horrible. Do you want to get thistattoo?

RACHEL: Yes I do, it's just thatRoss is. . .

PHOEBE: OK, hey, HEY. Is your boyfriendthe boss of you?


PHOEBE: OK, who is the boss ofyou?!!


PHOEBE: No. You are the boss of you.Now you march your heinie in there and get that heart tattooed on your hip. GO!!

[Scene: Mr. Geller's birthday party. Monica is in the bathroom and Richardcomes in.]

RICHARD: How ya doin'?

MONICA: I'm a twinkie.

RICHARD: Really? I'm a hero.

MONICA: Oh, this is so hard.

RICHARD: Yeah, I know. I hate it too. Look, maybe we should just tell them.

MONICA: Maybe we should just tellyour parents first.

RICHARD: My parents are dead.

MONICA: God, you are so lucky. Imean, I mean. . . you know what I mean.

RICHARD: I know, I know. Just hang in there, OK. OK, I'll go out first,alright.

MONICA: Alright.

RICHARD: [walks out of the bathroom and runs into Mrs. Geller who is going tothe bathroom] Judy, going to the bathroom, good for you.

MRS. GELLER: Thank you Richard, I appreciate the support.

[Monica jumps in the shower. Right after Mrs. Geller enters the bathroom, Mr.Geller peeks his head in.]

MR. GELLER: Honey. Honey, have you seen my Harmon Kilerbrew bat? Bob doesn'tbelieve I have one.

MRS. GELLER: I have no idea. Did you know Richard has a twinkie in the city?

MR. GELLER: I know. He's like a new man. It's like a scene from Cocoon.

MRS. GELLER: I just never would have pictured Richard with a bimbo.

MR. GELLER: Apparently, he told Johnny Shapiro that she's quite a girl. Infact, he told Johnny that he thinks he's falling in love with her.

MRS. GELLER: Really.

MR. GELLER: I tell you, I've never seen him this happy.

MRS. GELLER: So Jack, you ever think about trading me in for a younger model?

MR. GELLER: Of course not. With you it's like I've got two 25-year-olds.

MRS. GELLER: [they start kissing] Oh Jack stop.

MR. GELLER: C'mon, it's my birthday.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Joey are returning fromtheir brunch.]

JOEY: Can we drop this? I am notinterested in the guy's apartment.

CHANDLER: Oh please, I saw the wayyou were checking out his mouldings. You want it.

JOEY: Why would I want anotherapartment, huh? I've already got an apartment that I love.

CHANDLER: Well it wouldn't kill youto say it once in a while.

JOEY: Alright, you want the truth?I'm thinkin' about it.


JOEY: I'm sorry. I'm 28 years old,I've never lived alone, and I'm finally at a place where I've got enough moneythat I don't need a roommate anymore.

CHANDLER: Woah, woah, woah. I don'tneed a roommate either, OK? I can afford to live here by myself. Ya know, I mayhave to bring in somebody once a week to lick the silverware.

JOEY: What're you gettin' so bentout of shape for, huh? It's not like we agreed to live together forever. We'renot Bert and Ernie.

CHANDLER: Look, you know what? Ifthis is the way you feel, then maybe you should take it.

JOEY: Well that's how I feel.

CHANDLER: Well then maybe you shouldtake it.

JOEY: Well then maybe I will.

CHANDLER: Fine with me.

JOEY: Great. Then you'll be able tospend more quality time with your real friends, the spoons.

[Scene: Mr. Geller's birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Geller enter lookingparticularly refreshed. Monica follows looking rather pale.]

MR. GELLER: Who's drink can I freshen?

MRS. GELLER: Almost time for cake.

ROSS: Mon, Mon, are you OK?

MONICA: You remember that video Ifound of mom and dad?

ROSS: Yeah.

MONICA: Well, I just caught the liveshow.

ROSS: Eww.

[Scene: Mr. Geller's birthday party. Monica and Richard are alone in thekitchen.]

MONICA: Hey there.


MONICA: Nothing, I just heardsomething nice about you.

RICHARD: Humm, really?

[Mrs. Geller and Ross both enter]

MRS. GELLER: Richard. Richard. Your son isn't seeing anyone is he?

RICHARD: Uhh, not that I know of.

MRS. GELLER: Well, I was thinking, why doesn't he give Monica a call?

RICHARD: That - that's an idea.

MONICA: Well, actually, I'm alreadyseeing someone.



ROSS: Ohh.

MRS. GELLER: She never tells us anything. Ross, did you know Monica's seeing someone?

ROSS: Mom, there are so many peoplein my life. Some of them are seeing people and some of them aren't. Is thatcrystal?

MRS. GELLER: So, who's the mystery man?

MONICA: Well, uh, he's a doctor.

MRS. GELLER: A real doctor?

MONICA: No, a doctor of meat. Ofcourse he's a real doctor. And he's handsome, and he's sweet, and know you'dlike him. [she puts her arm around Richard]

MRS. GELLER: Well that's wonderful. . . I

MONICA: Mom, it's OK.

RICHARD: It is Judy.

MRS. GELLER: Jack. Could you come in here for a moment? NOW!

MR. GELLER: [enters with his bat] Found it.

ROSS: I'll take that dad. [grabs thebat]

MRS. GELLER: It seems your daughter and Richard are something of an item.

MR. GELLER: That's impossible, he's got a twinkie in the city.

MONICA: Dad, I'm the twinkie.

MR. GELLER: You're the twinkie?

RICHARD: She's not a twinkie.

MONICA: Al-alright, l-look you guys,this is the best relationship I've been in. . .

MRS. GELLER: Oh please, a relationship.

MONICA: Yes, a relationship. Foryour information I am crazy about this man.

RICHARD: Really?


MR. GELLER: Am I supposed to stand here and listen to this on my birthday?

MONICA: Dad, dad this is a goodthing for me. Ya know, and you even said yourself, you've never seen Richardhappier.

MR. GELLER: When did I say that?

MONICA: Upstairs in the bathroomright before you felt up mom.

[Everyone else enters and all start singing Happy Birthday.]

[Scene: Tattoo parlor. Rachel is showing Phoebe her tattoo.]

PHOEBE: Oh that looks so good, oh Ilove it.

RACHEL: I know, so do I. Oh Phoebe,I'm so glad you made me do this. OK, lemme se yours.

PHOEBE: Ahh. OK, let's see yoursagain.

RACHEL: Phoebe we just saw mine, letme see yours.

PHOEBE: Oh OK. [pulls over her shirtand shows a bare shoulder] Oh no, oh it's gone, that's so weird, I don't knowhow-where it went.

RACHEL: You didn't get it?


RACHEL: Why didn't you get it?

PHOEBE: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

RACHEL: Phoebe, how would you dothis to me? This was all your idea.

PHOEBE: I know, I know, and I wasgonna get it but then he came in with this needle and uh, di-, did you knowthey do this with needles?

RACHEL: Really? You don't say,because mine was licked on by kittens.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler is at the bar and Joeyenters.]

JOEY: Hey.


JOEY: Hey listen, I'm sorry aboutwhat happened. . .

CHANDLER: Yeah me too.

JOEY: I know. Yeah.

CHANDLER: Yeah. So do we need to hughere or. . .

JOEY: No, we're alright.

CHANDLER: So I got ya something.[tosses Joey a bag of plastic spoons]

JOEY: Plastic spoons. Great.

CHANDLER: Lick away my man.

JOEY: These'll go great in my newplace. You know, 'till I get real ones.


JOEY: Well, I can't use theseforever. I mean, let's face it, they're no friend to the environment.

CHANDLER: No-no, I mean what, what'sthis about your new place?

JOEY: I'm movin' out like we talkedabout.

CHANDLER: Well I didn't think thatwas serious. [grabs the spoons back] Ya know I thought that was just a fight.

JOEY: Well, it was a fight. . .based on serious stuff, remember. About how I never lived alone or anything. Ijust think it would be good for me, ya know, help me to grow or. . . whatever.

CHANDLER: Well, there you go.

JOEY: Hey, are you cool with this. Imean, I don't want to leave you high and dry.

CHANDLER: Hey, no, I've never beenlower or wetter. I'll be fine. I'll just turn your, uh, bedroom into a gameroom or somethin', you know, put the foosball table in there.

JOEY: Woah. Why do you get to keepthe table?

CHANDLER: I did pay for half of it.

JOEY: Yeah. And uh, I paid for theother half.

CHANDLER: Alright I'll tell youwhat, I'll play you for it.

JOEY: Alright, you're on. I can taketwo minutes out of my day to kick your ass.

CHANDLER: Your little men are gonnaget scored on more times than your sister.

JOEY: Woah, woah, woah, woah. Whichsister?

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Richard are setting thetable.]

MONICA: So, are you sorry that Itold them?

RICHARD: No, it's been a long time since your dad and I went running.

[Rachel and Phoebe enter]


MONICA: Oh. Well did you get it? Letme see.

RACHEL: Is Ross here?

MONICA: No he went out to get pizza.

RACHEL: Oh really, OK. [shows Monicaher tattoo]

MONICA: That's great.

RICHARD: Very tasteful.

PHOEBE: Wanna see mine, wanna seemine?


RACHEL: What? You didn't get one.

PHOEBE: OK, well then what is this?[shows her bare shoulder]

RICHARD: What're we looking at? That blue freckle?

PHOEBE: OK, that's my tattoo.

RACHEL: That is not a tattoo, thatis a nothing. I finally got her back in the chair, bairly touched her with aneedle, she jumped up screaming, and that was it.

PHOEBE: OK, hi. For your informationthis is exactly what I wanted. This is a tattoo of the earth as seen from agreat distance. It's the way my mother sees me from heaven.

RACHEL: Oh, what a load of crap.That is a dot. Your mother is up in heaven going, 'Where the hell is my lily,you wuss?' OK, Phoebe, that is not a tattoo, this is a tattoo. [she bends overand bears her tattoo right when Ross returns]

ROSS: You got a tattoo?

RACHEL: Maybe. But just a littleone. Phoebe got the whole world.

ROSS: Lemme see. [looks]


ROSS: Well it's really. . . sexy. Iwouldn't have thought it would be but. . . wow.

RACHEL: Really?

ROSS: Yeah, so uh, is it sore or canyou do stuff?

RACHEL: I guess.

ROSS: Hey, save us some pizza. [theygo off to Rachel's room]

[Scene: Chandler's apartment. Chandler and Joey are playing foosball for thetable.]

JOEY: Get out of the corner. Passit, pass it.

CHANDLER: Stop talkin' to your men.[Joey scores]

JOEY: Yes! And the table is mine.

CHANDLER: Congratulations. [Chandlerleaves]

[Scene: Chandler's apartment. The whole gang is helping Joey pack.]

JOEY: Hey, you guys are still gonnacome visit me, right?

CHANDLER: Oh yeah, you got the bigTV. We'll be over there all the time. . . [Chandler gives him a look] exceptwhen we are here.

PHOEBE: I know you're just movinguptown but I'm really gonna miss you.

MONICA: I know, how can you not beaccross the hall anymore.

RACHEL: Yeah, who's gonna eat allour food, and tie up our phone lines, and - is that my bra? What the hell youdoin' with my bra?

JOEY: Oh no-no, it's uh, it's notwhat you think. We uh, we used it to, you know, fling water balloons off theroof. Remember that, those junior high kids couldn't even get theirs accrossthe street.

CHANDLER: [quietly] Yeah, Iremember.

ROSS: Hey, let's bring the rest ofthese down to the truck.

[Everyone except Joey and Chandler leave.]

CHANDLER: So, uhh, em, you want meto uh, give you a hand with the foosball table?

JOEY: Naa, you keep it, you need thepractice.


JOEY: So, I guess this is it.

CHANDLER: Yeah, right, yeah, I guessso.

[Joey walks to the door. He stops, turns around.]

JOEY: Listen, uh, I don't know whenI'm gonna see you again.

CHANDLER: Well, I'm guessing uh,tonight at the coffee house.

JOEY: Right, yeah. OK. Um, takecare.


[Joey walks out and after a few seconds comes back in and gives Chandler a bighug. He then leaves for good and Chandler is left alone in his apartment.]


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