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发表于 2009-7-3 19:48:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  Anyone who's experienced heartbreak knows that there's no magic formula for making someone fall in love with you. (Or in some cases, back in love with you。). However, you can up your chances of making that special lady swoon by following a few of these simple tips。


  1) Be All Ears 学会做他的听众而不是建议者

  Women like to work out their problems. Offer a bended ear and fight the urge to provide a solution or rush her to the point. She just wants you to listen while she vents, explains or just muses。

  2) Compliment Her 要学会让她高兴

  A lot of women put a lot of effort into looking nice for their date. Offer a flattering remark on her time well spent and she will be delighted that you noticed。

  3) Throw a Pep Rally 做她的忠实粉丝,尊重他的选择

  Act as her cheerleader on life's sidelines. Support her choices, feelings, successes and failures and she will appreciate (and lean on) her biggest fan。

  4) Remember that Chivalry Is Not Dead 要有绅士分度

  Man the door, pull the chair and wait for her to be seated. Treating her like a lady never goes out of style。

  5) Focus All Eyes on Her 注视着她的眼睛,让她感觉到你的关注

  Focus on her with attention and interest. Extracurricular gazing makes you look bored and rude。

  6) Leave a Message 约会前发短信给她

  Whether it's your first date or the tenth, leave a message asserting how much you enjoyed your time with her and how you can't wait to see her again。

  7) Growing Love 培养感情

  Bring or send her flowers because it's Tuesday or for no reason at all. Better yet, send them to work to make her feel beautiful and appreciated。

  8) Be Mr. Clean 要保持干净卫生

  You may not know it, but every time she picks up your wet towel or cleans beard clippings from the sink, the romance wears off。

  9) Play the Music Man 表现出对音乐的热爱

  Learn how to play the guitar or hone your singing voice. Ladies melt over the simultaneous vulnerability and bad boy coolness of confident rock stars. No musical talent? Demonstrate passion in a hobby that you love。

  10) Clown Around 要有幽默感

  Hone your funny bone to encourage her to feel comfortable, let loose and get silly。

  11) drop It Like Its Hot 不要为小事而繁琐

  Shrug off the small things and let it go. A diffusing attitude and cool demeanor is always a welcome response to pending crisis。

  12) Keep it All In The Family 融入她的交际圈

  Woo her friends and family, too. Her circle will be the first to comment on your worthiness of her attention。

  13) Take the Consultative Approach 遇事要和她协商

  Seek her advice, even if you don't really need it. Consulting her shows that you appreciate her opinion and that she is useful and comforting。

  14) Zip It 尽量做她生活圈内的人

  If you aren't complimenting members of her inner circle, zip it. It's an instant turnoff to hear a negative opinion about those that have been in her life long before you came along。

  15) Get Lost 给双方足够的空间

  While prioritizing her in your life is important, she can't be the only thing going on. Spend time with others and do your own thing to make the heart grow fonder。

  16) Slow It Down 创造浪漫的气氛

  Court her with a slow dance whenever possible. While lovely at cousin Ed's wedding or at a jazz club on Friday night, surprise her with a turn around the kitchen during macaroni and cheese for impromptu romance。

  17) Timing is Everything 一定要守时

  Arrive on time for your date. Although traffic and miscalculations can be forgiven, consistently showing up late sends the signal that her time isn't as important as yours。

  18) Remember that Family Matters 做个顾家的人

  Introducing your new ladylove to your family will demonstrate how important she is in your life. The way you treat your family presents a good gauge of what she can expect in your courtship。

  19) Surprise! 时时给她惊喜

  Catch her unaware with that fetching coat she has been eyeing, a message on her work voicemail or a note in her bag lunch to keep her guessing and excited。

  20) Soup for the Soul 生病了要多关心照顾她

  Take care of her when she is under the weather with a care package of cough drops, chicken soup, or a get well note. She may not feel (or look) her best, but these moments will show that you are in it to win it。


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