高级BD经理/总监 1、2-3 years of experience or more in the functions of business development, sales, marketing or investment in the industries of internet, media and consulting. 2、Skilled in business development and deal negotiations 3、Bachelor degree or above. Excellent in Korean, Japanese or English language skills (If the candidate is a non-Chinese speaker, good command of English ability is required) 4、Understand the operations and development trends in internet and relevant industries. Good knowledge of online games industry is preferred. 5、Self-motivated, strong interpersonal skills; 6、Ability to travel internationally; 7、Management experience preferred。
资深游戏美术开发/ 3D场景美术师 要求: 1、3年以上游戏美术制作经验; 2、2年以上游戏团队管理经验; 3、较好的美术欣赏水平及对游戏美术的鉴赏能力
; 4、熟悉了解游戏美术及与之相关的工作规范和流程; 5、了解PAINTER/PHOTOSHOP、3DMAX等相关美术制作软件,并熟练掌握其中一种以上工具; 6、有事业心,较好的协调及沟通合作能力; 7、对策划及程序的工作方式有一定的了解; 8、美术类大专院校毕业者优佳; 9、有三年以上团队管理经验者优佳。
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