
[公告]聘Product Trainer 产品培训师

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发表于 2007-7-30 16:46:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

P-SERV (Beijing Office)

Founded in Singapore since year 1990, P-Serv is proud to be amongst the first foreign companies to be granted a full license to operate HR Recruitment and Consultancy services in China. Our well-established portfolio of clientele includes Fortune 500 corporations spanning across industries, and since our inception we have successfully placed more than 150,000 personnel worldwide.


Product Trainer – 产品培训师



l         Train customers on all company products face-to-face and via internet or telephone in academic, corporate and legal markets.

l         Revise and expand existing training materials and online help documentation.

l         Participate in designing, developing, and implementing new processes required for successful training.

l         Use case management system to manage customer requests for training and support and then leverage information gathered for continuous improvement of curriculum.

l         Provide follow-up training, consultation, and end-user support.


l         Team player

l         Effective presentation skills

l         Innovative & Creative

l         Adaptability & Flexibility

l         Resilience & Tenacity

l         Learning Ability

l         Independence

l         Sense of urgency

l         Time management/ Ability to multi-task

l         Planning & organizing

Interested applicant please email your detailed English Resume stating your current and expected salary, in strict confidence*, to Tianjian718@126.com13366326137.


* Rest assured that we would not forward your resume unless we have your explicit consent.

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