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发表于 2007-1-10 16:00:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Synovate, one of the world’s top research firms, is the market research arm of global communications specialist Aegis Group plc. Across 5 continents and 24 time-zones, 4,000 smart people driven by endless curiosity, go to work at Synovate,

Across all our business units, we constantly consider ways to develop powerful new services, both through combined interaction and through blue-sky thinking to produce inspired marketing solutions, constructive client-service deliverables and elegant systems.

Synovate China

Synovate China has more than full time employees working across 5 full-service offices respectively in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Hong Kong. Synovate’s experience in marketing research extends across a broad spectrum of industry expertise. Synovate China’s clients are mostly famous multinational companies in various industries.

Researcher 1人,定量
http://jobs.zhaopin.com/P6/CC130 ... 855J12413370530.htm

Senior Researcher 若干,定量,其中汽车Team的需要有汽车的行业或项目经验
http://jobs.zhaopin.com/P6/CC130 ... 855J12314519530.htm

Project Manager 1人
http://jobs.zhaopin.com/P6/CC130 ... 855J12300700530.htm

Project Director 1人,偏定量,有定性经验更好,有较强的项目管理和人员管理能力   
http://jobs.zhaopin.com/P6/CC130 ... 855J90000084000.htm

Project Director-Qualitative 1人,定性
http://jobs.zhaopin.com/P6/CC130 ... 855J90000085000.htm

所有的职位,英文都是非常非常重要的,此外要求Market Research的专业项目经验

Please send your CV both in Chinese and English with position applying for to our email address as follows: recruitment.beijing@synovate.com

1、请在邮件标题中注明您所要申请的职位名称。Please indicate the position you are applying for in the subject.

2、请您在应聘材料上标明,此职位的信息来源于21Manager. Please indicate that you saw the post from 21Manager.

3、请您在应聘材料上注明您期望的薪资和可以开始工作的时间。Please indicate your compensation expectation and when you can commence to work.


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-10 16:01:19编辑过]

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