
北京猎头招聘: Senior Project Manager Project & Development Services (国际

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发表于 2006-7-15 09:08:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Senior Project Manager roject & Development Services        ?                                                             

                 ---Duties & Responsibilities:
? Manage and develop the Corporate Office fit-out business in China i.e.

manage existing accounts   held and assist in the securing of new business
? Work with clients in developing design

programming and prepare tender documentation
? Cooperate and liaise with other consultants in meeting the Client’s

? Manage and oversee site construction work and provide best value engineering
? Coordinate with Move Companies

in the logistic move of the Client
? Prepare all hand-over documentation and installation manual and liaison during the

defect liability period
? Establish long-term relationships with local Design, Contracting, Vendors and Move Companies

Establish long-term relationships with building management offices and related governmental bodies
? Develop and update

relevant documentation in the field of corporate fit-out
? Assist in cross selling business with Commercial Market in

providing technical and initial space planning advisory.
? Assist in all other Project and Development Services related

field of work
? Other duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Directors of the company                         

? Bachelor degree in Engineering, Architecture, Interior Design or Civil Engineering background preferred

Minimum 5 years working experience, preferably in project development of Real Estate company or related industry, must have

extensive experience in project management
? Strong interpersonal and communication skills
? Proficiency in spoken and

written English; Good PC skill
? Mature, honest and reliable, hardworking style with team work spirit


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