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发表于 2005-9-20 19:41:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Financial Analyst






1、The Equity Research Analyst works with a senior research analyst on all aspects of equity research. 2、Working in partnership with their senior analyst, the analyst will conduct extensive company and industry research, create financial models and valuation analyses, and write company reports, industry reports and investment recommendations. 3、The analyst will meet with company management teams and interview company customers, suppliers and competitors. 4、Analysts will make company visits and attend trade shows and industry conferences. 5、As analysts develop industry expertise, they will have additional responsibility for marketing their team’s research and investment recommendations to our sales force and to institutional investors.
1、Minimum 3 years working experience ,the analyst position is a demanding and fast-paced job that requires the ability to think quickly on one's feet and work independently. 2、Strong candidates will have an intense interest in the stock market and a demonstrated record of professional, academic and personal achievement. 3、They also will have outstanding interpersonal and written communication skills, outstanding quantitative and organizational skills, and a strong competitive spirit balanced by a proven ability to work as part of a team. 4、Among other qualifications, successful applicants generally have completed an M.B.A. or other relevant graduate degree.

管理咨询顾问 Consultant


1、 组织或参与咨询项目,为客户提供管理咨询服务; 2、 承担部门BD工作,市场推广咨询业务; 3、 跟踪所负责的行业发展状况,研究并撰写相关报告以供发表; 4、 负责对本部门其它顾问的培训,并维护部门知识库; 5、 协助Senior Manager对咨询顾问及部门其他人员的管理。

1、 MBA或硕士及以上学历,企业管理或金融财务相关专业; 2、 5年以上工作经验,咨询及中高级管理经验2年以上; 3、 具备企业管理,项目管理,战略咨询、投融资分析等综合知识; 4、 较强的分析能力,沟通协调能力、解决问题的能力和再学习的能力;较强的好奇心,严谨负责的工作态度; 5、 优秀的英语听说能力(CET-6),熟练操作计算机,对OFFICE能熟练操作使用

市场研究经理 Research Manager 若干

工作职责: 1.BD function: to assist industry team leader (RD) to achieve annual and quarterly team revenue target 2.Responsible for leading a project team to plan and/or conduct market research projects independently and successfully 3.Responsible for quality control and cost control of the projects in charge 4.Regularly share marketing research skills and industry knowledge with the whole research team, especially act as a key knowledge resource to the junior researchers 5.To provide active support to BU R&D, following RD's arrangement 6.To provide active support to BU Marketing Communication, following RD's arrangement 任职资格: 1、Over 2 years marketing research experience with well-known international or local vendors, especially in IT or Telecom industry 2、Master degree or above,MBA preferred; 3、Strong communication ability; 4、Fluent in spoken and written English; 5、Aggressive and good interpersonal skills and excellent teamwork。

高级分析师Senior Analyst 若干

工作职责: 1、在部门经理组织下参与报告产品线的规划 2、根据客户需求确定研究内容,和产品的框架 3、利用面访、问卷访谈、焦点座谈会等市场研究手段,独立开展或者组织开展相关的行业研究 4、指导Assistant Analyst 完成产品生产相关的资料搜集和数据整理。 5、参与行业趋势的预测和分析 6、在Marketing部门的组织下,参与相关市场宣传活动,包括接受记者采访、参加行业研讨会、参加媒体活动等,向Marketing部门提供新闻稿件的素材和线索 7、从行业专家的角度支持其他BU的相关业务,支持销售部门的客户开发工作,包括以书面和口头方式回答客户对部门和产品方面的咨询,面访关键客户等 8、参与知识的创新,包括拓展行业知识、创新分析模型和分析方法等 9、积极拓展和维护行业信息资源,拓展和维护行业固定样本库。 10、组织相关分析师在所负责的研究领域内积极开展知识共享,进行有效的知识积累。 任职资格: 1、Good communication skills and logical thinking; 2、Keen understanding of business market in nature; 3、Enjoy challenge, smart, aggressive and team working; 4、Graduated from famous university, Hold master degree, major in EE, Telecom, CS, business management preferred.; 5、Fluency in Written and Spoken English and Mandarin. 6、Working experience of product manager in leading vendors, or analyst experience, senior journalist experience is preferred 研究方向:

-电信(基础设施或运营商方向)Telecom: Minimum 3 years working experience in Telecom Industry, vendor or carrier working experience preferred. Solid Telecom Industry know-how, value chain insight preferred; Wide Information link with MII, carriers, vendors or channels.

-IT行业应用IT Industry Application: Minimum 3 years working experience in IT Industry, pre-sales in vendor or SI preferred. Solid know-how about IT products, services and applications. Wide relationship with industry users, vendors and services providers.

-消费电子Consumer Electronics: Minimum 3 years working experience in relevant Industry, pre-sales preferred. Solid CE Industry know-how about China Market needs, CAPEX trends, technology evolution, competition intelligence. Wide relationship with industry users, vendors and distributors -半导体Semiconductor: 1)对于半导体器件设计和应用熟悉; 2)熟悉主流的半导体器件分类和各自的领导厂家及特点; 3)熟悉半导体生产体系(前道、后道等)设备主流厂家及特点; 4)熟悉主要的半导体应用领域及其需求特点,如通信、家电、IT、关键行业等; 5)在业内有较为广泛的信息资源和信息渠道。

【公司简介】易观国际是国内领先的基于互联网的高科技信息服务提供商,每年为超过50000名来自TMT不同领域的客户提供从产业资讯、行业/市场分析、到策略咨询的全方位解决方案,并通过各类活动的组织,搭建了一个超过30000人的交流平台,他们来自于包括CIO、CTO、IT高级主管以及投资机构、行业厂商等。 http://www.analysys.com.cn

简历投递 recruitment@analysys.com.cn 请标题注明信息来源 栖息谷



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-28 13:32:36编辑过]
发表于 2005-9-21 15:38:49 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-8 18:11:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-28 13:33:23 | 只看该作者

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