Walk Extra Mile
My Own Journey
I accepted Andrew Carnegie's commission to organize and publish the principles of success when I was a law student at Georgetown University.Other than reimbursement for some traveling expenses, I got no compensation from Carnegis for me efforts.
我对这份工作的奉献,使自己承受了不少的负担,我必须 赚钱养家,而且许多亲戚都嘲笑我。但尽管有这些阻力,我还 是为这项任务工作了20年,在此期间我拜访过知名企业的总 裁、发明家、创始人以及著名的慈善家,由于这些人通常都不 知道他们的成功原则(因为他们只是去做而已),所以我必须 花许多时间来观察他们,并确定我原先假设能发挥功效的力 量,是否真的在发挥功效。除了赚取生活费之外,我还必须为 这些人工作。
My dedication to my task placed strains on my life. I had a family to support,and many of my relatives ridiculed me for my goal. In spite of this opposition , I worked for twenty years,interviewing presidents, inventors, founders of great companies, and famous philanthropists. Because these people were often unaware of the principles they employed-they just did it-it tool a great deal of time for me to observe them and determine whether the forces I supposed for myself, I had a job to do for others.
处在亲戚们的嘲笑和辛苦工作之间,有时真的很难保持 积极心态和不屈不挠的精神。有时当个人待在无聊的旅馆房 间里时,甚至会觉得我家人的想法才是正确的。支持我向前 迈进的力量,使我确信,我不但能完成这本著作,而且当我完 成它时会为自己的成功感到骄傲。
Believe me , there were times when, between the needling of my relatives and the hardships I endured, it was not easy of maintain a positive mental attitude and persevere. Sometimes, in barren hotel rooms, I almost believed my family was right. The thing that kept me going was my conviction that one day I would not only successfully complete my work but also be proud of myself when it was finished.
有时候,当心中出现希望的火苗时,我必须运用我手边所 能运用的资源把它再煽大一点以免熄灭。而使我坚持信念和 理想,并且帮助我度过难关的就是我从无穷智慧所获得的信。
Sometimes,when the flames of hope dwindled to a flicker, I had to fan them with everything I possessed to keep them from going out.It was my faith in Infinite Intelligence that that tided me over these rough spots and saw me through.
Did it pay to go the extra mile for twenty years and endure all those hardships?The answer it obvious.
The Benefits of Doing More than You Are Paid For
Since going the extra mile can involve hardship,it will help you to be conscious of all the different benefits it will bring.
The Law of Increasing Returns
你所付出的额外服务会为你带来更多的回报。想想看种植小麦的农夫吧!如果种植一株小麦只能收成一粒麦子,那 根本就是在浪费时间。但实际上从一株小麦上可收成许许多多的麦子。尽管有些小麦不会发芽,但无论农夫面临什么样 的困难,他的收成必定多出他所种植的好几倍。
The quantity and quality of the extra service you render will come back to you greatly multiplied. Consider the farmer who plants a crop of wheat. If he harvested only one grain of wheat for each grain he planted,he'd be wasting his time. Instead every successful grain produces a stalk and a sheaf containing many more grains. Of course,a few don't sprout, but whatever problems a farmer may face, getting back many times more wheat grains then he or she planted isn't one of them.
这种情形同样也适用于你所提供的各种服务方面,如果 你付出价值100元的服务,则你不但能回收这100元,而且可 能会回收好几倍。而到底能回收多少,就必须看你是否抱持 着正确的心态而定了。 如果你是以心不甘情不愿的心态提供服务,那你可能得 不到任何回报,如果你只是从为自己谋取利益的角度提供服 务时则可能连你希望得到的利益也得不到。
And so it is with everything you do in the service you render. If you render service worth a hundred dollars, chances are you will get back not only that one hundred dollar but perhaps ten times that-provided you have done so with the right mental attitude.If you render extra service unwillingly or resentfully,you will probably get nothing back. It's as if the farmer had sown his wheat on the interstate road instead of the fertile field. And if you render your service only with a sharp eye out for you own benefit, you will get nothing except perhaps a poke in that eye.
在一个多雨的午后,一位老妇人走进费城一家百货公司, 大多数的柜台人员都不理她,但有一位年轻人却问她是否能 为她做些什么。当她回答说只是在等雨停时,这位年轻人并有推销给她不需要的东西,虽然如此,这位销售人员并没有转身离去,反而拿给她一张椅子。
One rainy afternoon an elderly lady walked into a Philadelphia department store.Most of the clerks ignored her,bet on solicitous young man asked if he could help her.When she replied that she was just waiting for the rain to end,he didn't try to sell her something she didn't try to sell her something she didn't want,and he didn't turn his back.Instead he brought her a chair.
雨停之底这位老妇人向这位年轻人说了声谢谢,并向他 要了一张名片,几个月之后这家店东收到一封信,信中要求派 这位年轻人往苏格兰收取装潢一整座城堡的订单2这封信就 是这位老妇人写的,而她正是美国钢铁大王卡内基的母亲。
When the rain let up,the lady thanked the young man and asked for his card. A few months passed, and the owner of the store received a letter asking that this young man be sent to Scotland to take orders for furnishing an entire castle!The letter writer was the elderly lady for whom the clerk had provided a chair.She also happened to be Andrew Carnegie's mother.
当这位年轻人打包准备去苏格兰时,他已升格为这家百 货公司的合伙人了。这个例子是报酬增加律的最佳写照,而报酬增加原因,就在于他比别人付出更多的关心和礼貌。
By the time the young clerk had his bags packed for Scotland,he was a prater in that department store.This was the result of the Law of Increasing Returns, all because he had shown a little concern and courtesy when no one else would.
The Law of Compensation
补偿律可确保当你付出之后,会得到某种相同种类的回 报,为了得到这种回报,你必须尽力提供你能提供的服务(当 然必须具备最佳心态),并且必须不要求得到立即的回报,而 且即使得不到立即回报,你也应该尽力提供服务。
The Law of Compensation ensures that everything you do will bring you some sort of result of the same kind.To benefit form this,you must always render the most service you are capable of,with the best attitude,and you must do so regardless of your immediate compensation,even if it appears you will receive no immediate compensation.
此一法则所着重的,并非一些意料之外的回报(例如让位 给老年人所得到的回报),而是诚恳和热心的付出。只有不诚 恳,而且懒惰的人才想以较少的代价(甚至最好不要付出任何 代价)获得较大利益。如果你想要以抬高价钱,或偷工减料的 方式获利的话,必将尝到恶果。
The issue here is not some unlooked-for benefit,such as might come from offering a chair to a senior citizen.It is a matter of honesty and earnest effort.Dishonest,lazy people look to get something for less than is required-or even nothing.If you decide to boost your profits by raising your rates and providing less service,it's going to catch up with you.
美国AT&T电话公司花了极大的功夫才学到这门课程。它的费率愈来愈高,但却没有为客户提供更佳的服务,结果大 量客户不再选择它的长途电话服务,而转向其他公司。虽然 AT&T很快地察觉到错误,并削减费率以及开始改善服务品质,但是它还是得面对流失掉原有客户市场。经过这次教训 之后,AT&T学会了什么叫做补偿率。
AT&T learned this lesson the hard way.Its rates continued advantages.Along came deregulation. MCI,and Sprint,and bang!Customers began switching their long-distance service by the hundreds of thousands.AT&T saw its error quickly,though,cut its rates,and began offering innovative packages.It still faces heavy competition,but it now knows quite a bit about the Law of Compensation.
我们来看看另一个具有对比性的例子——活动房屋的建造人柯灵顿。当安德尔在佛罗里达州进行销售冲刺时,柯灵 顿的公司——柯灵顿房屋公司——正在快速成长之中,虽然 市场对新活动房屋的需求量非常大,但他并没有像一般生意 人一样趁机哄抬价格。相反的,柯员顿公司仍然维持他的售 价,但却大幅度提高他的产量。补偿律在这个例子里的意义,是该公司仍然维持他合理的利润;它的另一层意义,则在于数以千计的柯灵顿活动房屋购买者,已深深记住该公司的名字,并且在下一次要购买时会先考虑到它。
In contrast,consider mobile home builder Jim Clayton.His company,Clayton Homes,was already growing rapidly when Hunrricane Andrew decimated South Florida.The need for new mobile homes was enormous and fast. Clayton could have followed the examples of many Florida business owners and jacked his prices skyward.Instead Clayton Homes kept its prices level and jacked its production skyward.The Lay of Compensation meant that the company still made a reasonable profit on its services;it also means that thousands of home buyers in South Florida have reason to remember Clayton Homes very fondly when it comes to their next purchase.
在你的日常生活中,恐怕找不到这么具有戏剧性的例子, 但最具体的范例,就是你的薪水袋。如果你不满意你目前薪水,请记住:在你的付出超过所得之前,你没有权利要求更多 的薪水。Tour day-to-day life may not offer such dramatic examples,but the most concrete one is your pasychaeck.If you are dissatisfied with its size,remember:Until you begin to render more service than you are already being paid for,you are not entitled to any more pay.
当你确信你的付出超过所得时,不妨问一问你自己,为什 么补偿律没有应验在你身上?
It you are convinced that you are already doing more work than you are being ,paid for,ask yourself why the Law of Compensation doesn't seem to be working.
但可悲的是,大多数的人都不想订定付出超过所得的明 确目标,无论他们多么努力工作,幸运轮总是从他们身旁滚 过,因为他们既不期待也不需要更多的所得。
The sad fact is that most people have no definite purpose greater than getting that paycheck No matter how hard they work,the wheel of fortune turns right past them because they neither expect nor demand more.
你应该做些什么才能显示你的期待,并且需要得到比你 目前更多的所得呢?
What are you doing that shows you expect and demand?
Gaining Favorable Attention
需要你付出的人,总是会给你一些回报,你可能不是能满 足客户要求的惟一供应者,你应如何使消费者特别注意你呢? 其中的窍门就在于提供物超所值的服务。
People who need your work have things to offer you.You probably are not the only person capable of providing what they need.What will distinguish you from the crowd? The attention you generate by doing more than you are being paid to do.
有天早晨,史瓦布来到他所经营的一家钢铁工厂,看到有 一位公司的储备速记员也在那里。当史瓦布问他为什么这么 早来公司时,这位储备速记员说他是来看看史瓦布先生是否 有什么急的信件或电报要处理。他比其他员工早到了好几个 小时来上班。
Early one morning Charles Schwab arrived at one of the steel mills he managed.There, in the dawn's faint light, was a clerk from the company's stenography pool.When Schwab wondered what he was doing there were any letters or telegrams Schwab wanted sent right away.It would be hours before the rest of the staff arrived.
Schwab thanked the fellow and told him he might need him later that day.And he did.That night,as Schwab headed back to the main office,he tool along his new personal assistant,the fellow who had gotten his attention so early in the morning.
这位年轻人吸引史瓦布的地方,并非他的速记能力,而是 他愿意多付出一点点的进取心。
It wasn't the fact that this young man was an extraordinary stenographer that got him attention.It was his habit of showing his personal initiative in going the extra mile.
Becoming Indispensable
无论你只是位员工或公司老板,多付出一点点都可使你 成为公司里不可少的人物:你为公司提供其他人无法提供的 服务。也许其他人具备更多的知识、技术或声望,但是,只有 你能提供公司不可缺少的服务。也许还有其他公司能提供公 关专业服务,但如果你能容忍在半夜二点时被叫醒,并且以“愿意做”的态度提供服务时、则客户们将会记住你并会给你 高度评价。
Whether you are an employee or the head of your own company,going the extra mile makes you indispensable to others.You do for them what no one else does.There may be others with more knowledge,skill,or prestige,but you are the only one who provides something absolutely necessary.There may be seven other companies providing public relations expertise,but if you are the one who can be called upon at two in the morning with a can-do attitude when a disaster strikes,people will remember and value that.
有位在电影人才经纪公司任职的年轻人,是该公司惟一 愿意每天,甚至每个小时,听一位脾气古怪的电影明星抱怨的 人。当这位明星生气罢工时,也是由这位年轻人(不是导演, 制作人或录像室老板)去说服她回来工作,并因而使得招片能 赶上进度,并为电影公司省下好几百万美金,他使自己成为照 顾重要明星的不可缺少的人。
One young man,working for a movie talent agency,was the only person willing to listen to a cantankerous star complain about her problems hour after hour,day after day.No one else took the time.When she threw a tantrum on the set studio,or her agent,was the only one to persuade her to go back to work.The movie went back on schedule,and millions of dollars were saved.He had made himself indispensable by befriending that important client.
除非你能成为某人或某团体不可或缺的人物,否则你的 所得将永远无法超过一般的水平。你应使你自己的地位,变 得重要到无人能取代你的地步,能使自己变得比别人强,并且 服务中有多付出一点点的精神及具积极进取心的人,便可自 己决定自己的薪水。