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发表于 2012-3-20 23:05:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A British woman said to own 40 years of experience 17 times aliens
A British woman, Bridget Grant, 40 years 17 encounter aliens, including five close contact, she may be the world's most visited by aliens on the British called "UFO magnet. Grant lectured about their experiences, and plans a book.
Grant said, when only seven years old when she first encountered aliens. She was going home to tea, when he ran into her poor little girl, small girl's eyes can determine that he is Chinese. Hong Kong's money and her house was a little girl to show Grant. But the next day, Grant once again to find the little girl, could not find the house, only a wilderness. UFO experts believe that Grant might be aliens "barrier memory, so she will look alien to become a Chinese girl, look at the spacecraft became the girl's house.
In 1993, Grant for the first time witnessed a UFO. When she was in Los Angeles when the hair stylist, in a resort hotel near to see a round metal object in a reflective silver, about 12 meters to 13 meters long. No noise, no wings and exhaust pipe, the following issued by the dazzling orange light. Subsequently, it passes through the treetops and flew away. Soon after, Grant saw the 45-rack black military helicopters flying over, apparently to intercept the aircraft UFOs.
In addition to aliens, Grant has repeatedly encounter with the ghost. She said that the ghost like life, but sometimes they do not look condensate real. Those outside the normal range of experience from the Grant, 5 years old until the age of 21 before fading away.
Grant said: "Why did you choose me, I do not know, nor understand, but I need to find the answer. See these UFOs, I am very pleased but I am afraid of being laughed at, did not tell too many people." Now, she has back to Devon, and the formation of associations, looking for a similar experience with her. Grant is writing a book of their own experience, but she still can not understand their own encounters with UFOs.

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